Topic: NWN Thread. Part the first.  (Read 26538 times)

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2003, 11:52:19 pm »
What and where is the three towns Server?

NG Cleric. Roman snyden. Strong as an ox, dumb as a box. Cunning as a fox, looks like the pox.  

SFC Bennie

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #81 on: October 15, 2003, 01:21:24 am »
I'd be honored it if Hstaph used me, even in a cruel, demeaning way.

My last PC was a Bard/Cleric, if that helps.
Scott Bennie  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #82 on: October 15, 2003, 04:27:05 am »
My last character was/is a Dark Elf Death Priest with a penchant for collecting skulls (he needs them to construct his altar)....

I like Half-Elves.  Rogues, Monks, and Rangers.  CG, usually, unless I'm a Monk.  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #83 on: October 15, 2003, 04:49:48 am »
So Is the mod ready yet.


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #84 on: October 15, 2003, 08:10:43 am »
The Three Towns ... it's in Persistant World Action.


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #85 on: October 15, 2003, 08:52:50 am »

I'd be honored it if Hstaph used me, even in a cruel, demeaning way.

Cruel and demeaning???  I can't possibly imagine where you would EVER get such an idea... really now...  

With MP:TTT complete, I have to have SOMETHING to parody until I start work on RotK, ya' know...

Well, actually, the alternative is for me to write more song parodies.  

Hey Sirgod, I followed your suggestion and Ann fixed my rank for me, whoohoo!  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #86 on: October 15, 2003, 09:30:33 am »


I'd be honored it if Hstaph used me, even in a cruel, demeaning way.

Cruel and demeaning???  I can't possibly imagine where you would EVER get such an idea... really now...  

With MP:TTT complete, I have to have SOMETHING to parody until I start work on RotK, ya' know...

Well, actually, the alternative is for me to write more song parodies.  

Hey Sirgod, I followed your suggestion and Ann fixed my rank for me, whoohoo!  

That looks Great Hsta. WTG,



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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #87 on: November 13, 2003, 09:22:13 pm »


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #88 on: November 13, 2003, 11:37:15 pm »
i'm a drow kind of guy. evil dark elves:)


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #89 on: November 14, 2003, 02:11:00 pm »
I'm fine with it.  I like Half-Elves.


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #90 on: November 14, 2003, 06:17:56 pm »
I've switched to playing a Gnome barbarian.  I mean, who knew that half the players online would be flippin' half-elven Bards?!?  

I wanted to roleplay something a bit unique.  Hehe... my new character reminds me of when I'm flying Hydran, it just does NOT pay to get to close to me... I'll pummel your kneecaps with my Fusio-- errr... with my mace!  Yeah, with a MACE in each hand!!!  

Yep, I'll be the short guy in the purple armor hanging out in the corner that's passing a lot of gas.  Now if only I could get a wizard to grow me another arm...  

LOL, my favorite taunt is "If you ever stop running I'm going to pummel your knees!"    

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #91 on: November 14, 2003, 10:59:40 pm »
Feel free to Lampoon me all you want.  

A Elven Thief/Sorcerer or Thief/Bard would be about right.  Stealth oriented and flexible.  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #92 on: November 15, 2003, 01:59:27 am »
Human LG Cleric

Dwarf CG Fighter

Though I've not been around enough of late to have provided much grist for parody....  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #93 on: November 17, 2003, 03:16:02 pm »
 I wish for my character to be Human, and I do not wish to be a druid, bard, or ranger. Other than these basic guidelines whatever you please would be fine.    


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #94 on: November 17, 2003, 04:49:51 pm »
Yeah.. Okay.. I'm pretty sure I'm a barbarian, by some accounts  , but the fun of the lampoon is part and parcel the character and race, so do whatever you must....  

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #95 on: November 18, 2003, 11:38:36 am »
If you want:

Julin originally was a D&D character.  For third edition, he'd be a human wizard, packing a 2-handed sword, possibly bastard sword as not many people use it, and in 3E the exotic weapons proficiency leads to his air of mystey.  His history (2nd edition rules):

Third son of Mediterranean-area like family.  First son is crown prince, second son is head of army.  With no duty to fulfill, he trained as a fighter in an attempt to become an elite general, wielding a 2 handed sword.  During a battle with a troll, his neck was cut deeply, about an inch from cleanly severing his head off.  The troll left, and an apprentace mage arrived on the scene.  In order to prevent his death, he used a mending spell to reattach Julin's neck.  While this did save Julin's life, it left an irremovable scar on his neck, and his voice is very raspy due to the vocal cord damage.  With that defeat, he never would be able to command an army, so he became an ambassador, and started studying the arts of magery.  Julin wears his family colors (purple), and is still a fan of the tunic/pants combination.  He wears a vest covered with pockets instead of a robe, and a stiff, high-necked cloak in order to cover the scar.  He still carries (and can use) his 2-handed sword, which he uses mostly for intimidation.

An outsider to the Neverwinter area, his strange looks, air of superiority (still a prince after all), and the scar on his neck all combine to give Julin a relatively low charisma score.


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #96 on: November 18, 2003, 01:59:15 pm »
thanks Guys, Keep them coming. right now, I'm just adding in the characters, and won't start much as far a mapping until HoTu comes out. That way, I might borrow from It.



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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #97 on: November 18, 2003, 03:32:11 pm »
 Well Sirgod, if the past is anything to go by I'm sure Sethan will wish to be a necromancer-like character, so go ahead and throw him in as one.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #98 on: November 18, 2003, 06:31:11 pm »
I'm a newby basically.  Got NWN a few months ago and just bought Shadows of the Undretide.  Havn't ventured online yet and not sure I will.

In NWN Main I ran 3 PCs with names and skills roughly close to PCs I had run while really playing D&D...

Aarron    Half-Elf  (Fighter)    
Kama      Female Human Druid
Chaz      Half-Orc Paladin

All have worked out well but I must say the Druid is very powerful.  I breezed through most of NWN with her.  Aarron, my Fighter, is the first time I ever played a straight fighter.  Aarron used to be a fighter/cleric but being a newby I didn't want to double my class skills as I am unfamiliar with the new rules.   He pairs up with that psycho dwarf and together they are just a two man wrecking crew.  He did have a little trouble with with Dragons and some of the reallly nasty types but the ending battle with that Lizard Queen was a thriller.  

I also play a straight ranger in Adam Millers 10 mods (DreamCatcher/Shadowlords) called Harto Colt.  I don't know who this guy Miller is but he rocks.  I also have a full Elf thief in the Graveron Seduction...a pretty decent mod.

Currently playing a full Elf Fighter/Thief  in SOU.  I'm still not sure how the multi class system works though but I found this mod much harder than the main quest in NWN.  SOU is better but there are parts that are really laggy. does the "to hit" chart go in NWNs for multi-class PCs?  If I'm a Fighter at 6th level and a Thief at 5th level do I hit at 5 or 6 or 11?  I noticed that some magic items won't let you use them until you attain a cartian level.  Like I got this Katana that said it can't be used until i reach the 5th level.  But When I was a thief 3rd and a Fighter at the 2nd level I was able to use it...does the hit chart work that way?



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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #99 on: November 19, 2003, 04:07:10 am »
Rondo, if you look at the character sheet, it will show you your to hit bonuses and damage for whatever weapon(s) you have equipped. Essentially, the Base Attack Bonuses (BAB) stack for each class you have, based on the level progression for each class. Below the weapon data, it will show your BAB, which is modified by STR (or DEX for finesse weapons if you have the feat) and weapon bonus to give your full attack bonuses shown in the weapon data.