as for my current character, in PnP version, hes a Thayan flind expert/shaman that eventually becomes something of an alchemist. in nwn hes a gnoll fighter/sorcerer.
Miost interesting pnp events I remember?
first is in red steel with ongoing prankfest between my hutaakan cleric mage, and my guardionos swashbuckler. things like the hutaakan putting all the swashbucklers underwear in a chest along with the key and then casting lock on it, or the swashbuckler collecting a jar of fleas and putting it under the hutaakans sheets
second, running the horde module, and the players knight upon seeing the old wizard/sage in the first emporer's city assumed he was a lich and killed him.
third, my old underdark gnolls driving the player character nuts and her return of holding the "exchange wood for adamantine in equal value" against them, by making weight the measure of value