Topic: NWN Thread. Part the first.  (Read 26532 times)

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #160 on: November 14, 2003, 06:17:56 pm »
I've switched to playing a Gnome barbarian.  I mean, who knew that half the players online would be flippin' half-elven Bards?!?  

I wanted to roleplay something a bit unique.  Hehe... my new character reminds me of when I'm flying Hydran, it just does NOT pay to get to close to me... I'll pummel your kneecaps with my Fusio-- errr... with my mace!  Yeah, with a MACE in each hand!!!  

Yep, I'll be the short guy in the purple armor hanging out in the corner that's passing a lot of gas.  Now if only I could get a wizard to grow me another arm...  

LOL, my favorite taunt is "If you ever stop running I'm going to pummel your knees!"    

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #161 on: November 14, 2003, 10:59:40 pm »
Feel free to Lampoon me all you want.  

A Elven Thief/Sorcerer or Thief/Bard would be about right.  Stealth oriented and flexible.  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #162 on: November 15, 2003, 01:59:27 am »
Human LG Cleric

Dwarf CG Fighter

Though I've not been around enough of late to have provided much grist for parody....  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #163 on: November 17, 2003, 03:16:02 pm »
 I wish for my character to be Human, and I do not wish to be a druid, bard, or ranger. Other than these basic guidelines whatever you please would be fine.    


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #164 on: November 17, 2003, 04:49:51 pm »
Yeah.. Okay.. I'm pretty sure I'm a barbarian, by some accounts  , but the fun of the lampoon is part and parcel the character and race, so do whatever you must....  

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #165 on: November 18, 2003, 11:38:36 am »
If you want:

Julin originally was a D&D character.  For third edition, he'd be a human wizard, packing a 2-handed sword, possibly bastard sword as not many people use it, and in 3E the exotic weapons proficiency leads to his air of mystey.  His history (2nd edition rules):

Third son of Mediterranean-area like family.  First son is crown prince, second son is head of army.  With no duty to fulfill, he trained as a fighter in an attempt to become an elite general, wielding a 2 handed sword.  During a battle with a troll, his neck was cut deeply, about an inch from cleanly severing his head off.  The troll left, and an apprentace mage arrived on the scene.  In order to prevent his death, he used a mending spell to reattach Julin's neck.  While this did save Julin's life, it left an irremovable scar on his neck, and his voice is very raspy due to the vocal cord damage.  With that defeat, he never would be able to command an army, so he became an ambassador, and started studying the arts of magery.  Julin wears his family colors (purple), and is still a fan of the tunic/pants combination.  He wears a vest covered with pockets instead of a robe, and a stiff, high-necked cloak in order to cover the scar.  He still carries (and can use) his 2-handed sword, which he uses mostly for intimidation.

An outsider to the Neverwinter area, his strange looks, air of superiority (still a prince after all), and the scar on his neck all combine to give Julin a relatively low charisma score.


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #166 on: November 18, 2003, 01:59:15 pm »
thanks Guys, Keep them coming. right now, I'm just adding in the characters, and won't start much as far a mapping until HoTu comes out. That way, I might borrow from It.



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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #167 on: November 18, 2003, 03:32:11 pm »
 Well Sirgod, if the past is anything to go by I'm sure Sethan will wish to be a necromancer-like character, so go ahead and throw him in as one.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #168 on: November 18, 2003, 06:31:11 pm »
I'm a newby basically.  Got NWN a few months ago and just bought Shadows of the Undretide.  Havn't ventured online yet and not sure I will.

In NWN Main I ran 3 PCs with names and skills roughly close to PCs I had run while really playing D&D...

Aarron    Half-Elf  (Fighter)    
Kama      Female Human Druid
Chaz      Half-Orc Paladin

All have worked out well but I must say the Druid is very powerful.  I breezed through most of NWN with her.  Aarron, my Fighter, is the first time I ever played a straight fighter.  Aarron used to be a fighter/cleric but being a newby I didn't want to double my class skills as I am unfamiliar with the new rules.   He pairs up with that psycho dwarf and together they are just a two man wrecking crew.  He did have a little trouble with with Dragons and some of the reallly nasty types but the ending battle with that Lizard Queen was a thriller.  

I also play a straight ranger in Adam Millers 10 mods (DreamCatcher/Shadowlords) called Harto Colt.  I don't know who this guy Miller is but he rocks.  I also have a full Elf thief in the Graveron Seduction...a pretty decent mod.

Currently playing a full Elf Fighter/Thief  in SOU.  I'm still not sure how the multi class system works though but I found this mod much harder than the main quest in NWN.  SOU is better but there are parts that are really laggy. does the "to hit" chart go in NWNs for multi-class PCs?  If I'm a Fighter at 6th level and a Thief at 5th level do I hit at 5 or 6 or 11?  I noticed that some magic items won't let you use them until you attain a cartian level.  Like I got this Katana that said it can't be used until i reach the 5th level.  But When I was a thief 3rd and a Fighter at the 2nd level I was able to use it...does the hit chart work that way?



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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #169 on: November 19, 2003, 04:07:10 am »
Rondo, if you look at the character sheet, it will show you your to hit bonuses and damage for whatever weapon(s) you have equipped. Essentially, the Base Attack Bonuses (BAB) stack for each class you have, based on the level progression for each class. Below the weapon data, it will show your BAB, which is modified by STR (or DEX for finesse weapons if you have the feat) and weapon bonus to give your full attack bonuses shown in the weapon data.


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #170 on: November 19, 2003, 07:39:25 pm »
Rondo_GE If you are like me, and don't like to go online. Due to jerks. Try the Penultima series one through 5 and the Penultima rerolled series. They are great humerous single player mods. And the Author will help you with anything you need. Within reason.

The character hits add up. So a Fighter\mage is worse then straight fighter. But alot better then pure mage. 6+11=17/2=8.5

At least I think.  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #171 on: November 20, 2003, 02:08:04 pm »
Thanks Mog and MSNevil for the tips.

I went online last night just for grins.  I played on a few underpopulated servers and fealt no different than single player.  But the last one I was on had lost of folks.  They were ok but a little standoffish...due in no small part to the fact that I was starting with a level 1 PC and all these others were like lvl 10 and up...duh.  I'll give it a go but I do like the single player end of this game very much.  

It isn't so much the jerks that bother me.  I was not a voracious ladder match player (only about a 120 SL/GZ matches over 3 years of play), I had maybe 800 or so non ladder matches (rough estimate).  The real issue I had with online play was the fact you can't pause a game.  Having a family means at times you just have to leave the computer alone and take care of business.   As a Gorn my lifetime win perc was just 57% and as a Fed I was at about 64%...but I estimate I lost 10-15% of my matches because I simply had to abandon the computer for various reasons in the middle of play.  This also made team play a real risk...even though I loved to play on a it would let your teamates down.  Tournaments were out of the question...another thing I had to not do.  I remember a few matches where I was playing on a team and my kid broke a soda bottle on the kitchen floor and I had to leave the system in a ship charged into the enemy and got annihilated and my teamate hated me...nuff said.

Oh yeah there are jerks online but there are also some good friendships to be made as well.  I had some drama with a few of these rejects but by and large the experience was positive.  

Anyway I heard XC might have a server...wonder if they need any players?  XC was a pretty good Fleet in SFC so I wouldn't mind getting back into a little SFC once in a while, I miss it.  I kind of slicked SFC2 off my system to make room but still have SFC OP on it.  I think slicking SFC2 was a mistake because GAMESPY wont let you go into the chat rooms for the game if you don't have it...bummer, and that's where most of the remaining SFC players are to be found  (except for SFC3 I guess)...    


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #172 on: November 20, 2003, 09:09:59 pm »
Rondo, If you are looking for a NWN  server try PW Action "The Three Towns"


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #173 on: November 20, 2003, 10:52:46 pm »
Thanks I'll try it.

I went on again tonight and finally joined a party.  

Mostly just hack and slash but it was fun.    I must have died 3 or 4 times at lvl 3 (Dwarf Fighter) but we had some ungodly powerful female whatever with us so we made it through pretty easily.  When she summoned up a Balor I knew she must have been pretty high up, lol.

I'm sort of experimenting with different class combinations right now.  Next up...Thief/ Druid....

So far though Thieves don't seem to have much to do.  Not many traps and locks in the dengeons I've been in...  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #174 on: November 20, 2003, 11:16:51 pm »
PW Action "The Three Towns"

I can never find it. I don't know if the server is down when I am on? 12pm Indiana Eastern time zone.  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #175 on: November 21, 2003, 03:29:54 am »
Rondo, re the GSA SFC2 chat room thing, go to Options, then Games, then use the Browse function to set a dummy exe (eg you could even point it to the OP exe if you wanted) for SFC2 - that will let you in


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #176 on: November 21, 2003, 05:29:48 pm »
Mogs u just made my day!

MSNevil I got on Three Towns late last night.  It's under the action category.

Actually it's pretty good but laggy as hell.  I created a Druid Thief...female...(I may have found my perfect PC) and it gave me to the 4th level on exp points.  I lvl'd up to Druid (3) and Thief (1)....  then paired up with what was either a very powerful Ranger or another Druid...methinks it was a Ranger because this guy was only able to call up the same kind of anumals I had at lvl 3.   It was pretty easy until I foolishly otran my summoned battled line (Dire Wolf and Dire Boar) and smack dab into what appeared to be a preset formation of grungies....oh well had to repsawn.  Got too greedy.  Also I found out that the game won't give you experience points for your partner's kills if he/she is more than three levels above you.  O well, cya dude....

 I plan on leveling her up at a ratio of 2 (druid) to 1 (thief)..  Near as I can tell I won't need her trap and picklock skills all that much since these dungeons don't appear to be all that big traps and locks...perhaps they don't reset I dunno.  But I love that "sneak attack" and the stealth skills of the thief.

Try to get onto the server agin SAT morning for a little bit.    


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #177 on: November 21, 2003, 08:24:16 pm »

Mogs u just made my day!

MSNevil I got on Three Towns late last night.  It's under the action category.

Actually it's pretty good but laggy as hell.  I created a Druid Thief...female...(I may have found my perfect PC) and it gave me to the 4th level on exp points.  I lvl'd up to Druid (3) and Thief (1)....  then paired up with what was either a very powerful Ranger or another Druid...methinks it was a Ranger because this guy was only able to call up the same kind of anumals I had at lvl 3.   It was pretty easy until I foolishly otran my summoned battled line (Dire Wolf and Dire Boar) and smack dab into what appeared to be a preset formation of grungies....oh well had to repsawn.  Got too greedy.  Also I found out that the game won't give you experience points for your partner's kills if he/she is more than three levels above you.  O well, cya dude....

 I plan on leveling her up at a ratio of 2 (druid) to 1 (thief)..  Near as I can tell I won't need her trap and picklock skills all that much since these dungeons don't appear to be all that big traps and locks...perhaps they don't reset I dunno.  But I love that "sneak attack" and the stealth skills of the thief.

Try to get onto the server agin SAT morning for a little bit.    

The level restriction for parties is to keep people from twinking (ie, high levels helping low levels get xp in areas that are a breeze for the high levels but high xp for low levels........xp gained is based on your character level). There are a couple of areas that require thief skills (the tombs in Wheaton Woods require lock pickand the Vrock caves have tons of traps).

And as a warning don't take anything for granted, all creatures are custom made (ie goblins have at least 20+ hp).

Any other questions/tips just ask. I'm on as Elvewyn(bard 8/Rouge 3/Arcane Archer 9), Amonaug (cleric 20) or Takashi  (monk 11)

Kieran Forester

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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #178 on: November 21, 2003, 09:00:09 pm »
Lampoon me as you like.

My character is Kalanis, a LN gold elf fighter/sorcerer. In my pen+paper campaign, he's quite powerful, but I haven't played him much on NWN because my normal computer is too crappy to operate it.  


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Re: NWN Thread. Part the first.
« Reply #179 on: November 22, 2003, 03:30:15 am »
Oki Doki Ald I'll remmber all that hey I'm a newby and ignorance is gripes on the experience thing on mismatched parties.  Seems sensible.

Actually I never needed the picklock thing even in single player...I just destroyed locked chests with traps with lightening are used a boc/crossbow.  Now if I were designing a game I might try to cheapen the loot if the chests were opned that way...lets say due to destruction...but I never noticed that happening.  Sometimes it backfires like when I wipe out a safe but the lightening seems to spread and takes out a door that sets loose a particularily lethal badboy/girl that I wasn't ready for.   I guess another way would be to script in a ward (if this is possible) that would summon something nasty or reflect damage back at PCs that try to open chests or doors by destroying them.  

Now traps by themselves are definitely torublesome which makes the detecting skill and the dismantling skill valuable no matter how you shake it.