Seems my conversion was successful- i managed to add glows to WickedZombie's Star Destroyer. (WZ, you gave me permission to use all your stuff for the previous incarnation of Sci-fi Bashfest...may I have permission to add glows to your models for release in Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3?)
The glows came out nicely. There were only two problems i found. Number one is that due to the size of an ISD's engine glow, when you zoom in closely from behind the glow disappears until you zoom out. On smaller ships there won't be that problem. And secondly, due to lack of a break model, the ship doesn't explode, it disappears. Which is only due to lack of a break model. A good number of Sci-fi bashfest ships have break models, but quite a few don't. But the ship still came out sweetly. I grappled with an Akira. Since I haven't learned spec editing for SFC3 yet with Excel, i just switched the Galaxy's model, Beauty Shot and UI's with the Star Destroyers, so we basicly have a Star Destroyer with a Galaxy class's weapons and stats and description.
Here is the UI image (i posted it in another thread too, sorry about the blue outline, that was an accident, the other UI's don't have it, look at the ingame UI and Beauty Shot).
Now for the ingame pics.
Feel the burn! Nice engine glows! Whooohoo!
EEK! My Beautiful, unscratched, clean-white hull has been DESPOILED! NOOO! FILTHY FEDERATION SCUM!
Cruisin' along...don't you love the shape of this ship?
I really beat on that Akira there, even though you see him get a phaser through my shields and into the hull, i had already downed half his shield facings before that happened.
Sci-fi Bashfest is on schedule- it looks like its not too tough to convert! I half expected my game to crash when I put in the ISD