Topic: 4 years of SFC!  (Read 8269 times)

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Dash Jones

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Re: 4 years of SFC and counting!
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2003, 12:13:10 pm »

In the Summer of 1999 I was looking for a Star Trek game to play on the computer - I had Starfleet Academy - but it just didn't cut it. My brother told me of this cool new demo for Starfleet Command. The first mission I ever played was from that demo where you have to defend the freighters, IIRC. I was instantly hooked. At last there was a Star Trek game that was fun. I approached it from a Star Trek standpoint, rather than SFB.  Has it really been 4 years? I imaging we'll be here a year from now and so on..

My first modded ship in the game was the stock Federation Battleship with shields off the scale and more weapons than you could count. A monster was born.  

Ah, so that's how you finally beat me all that long time ago...


Just jazzin you (aka, just joking and teasing).

And now we see how far you have come!  And awesome it is to behold!


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Re: 4 years of SFC!
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2003, 12:26:43 am »
i downloaded the sfc 1 demo the first day it became available online, strangely enough by accident.  I had just got my first computer (home made by a geek friend), was working in North Dakota on an archaeology dig, staying in some strange hotel, and got internet.  being an avid star trek fan, did a search online, and found the sfc1 demo.  downloaded it all night, installed it the next day after work, and have been a fan ever since.  granted, i havent been playing much lately, though have been an elite player, fleet leader, major points scorer in a ladder league, created the NT Ship Guide and other guides to the multitude of ships, and generally felt welcomed by the community at large.  A good home overall, even with some occasional drama and disappointment.  Jolan Tru my friends,
novae (a Nexus Traveler)


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Re: 4 years of SFC!
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2003, 11:59:58 pm »
I'ts been a long time but I just keep on coming back every few months to see whats happening on the boards.  I bought SFC1 after seeing it a couple of times on the store shelves (I knew what it was, having played SFB before,  I just was a poor college student).  I finally bit the bullet and bought it and played it on my dual processer computer that I had built a year before.  I didn't have decent 3d graphics in NT4 so I just used software mode on my matrox.  Just like everything else I seem to touch I didn't put it down until I had played through all the missions and then that was pretty much it, I had beaten the game, it was fun but time to move on to something else.  

Later on, after my girlfriend at the time moved graduated (masters physics) and moved away, I moved all my stuff back to my own apartment during which my computer suffered head skipping and yet another rebuild (I should know better).  So after loading up all the usual compilers and so on, I looked around at the few old games that I had trying to decide if I were to have a little fun and play something again.  Nothing really appealed to me.  I was looking at the box for SFC and the multiplayer just sort of popped out at me.  I was fairly hesitant about playing games online as I thought most of the players would be just little kids with too much spare time on their hands.  Loading up MPlayer (Mplauge as I so lovingly remember - although much better than the later gamespy), I jumped in the lobby and just lurked for a bit trying to get a sense of what was happening - everyone seemed to know each other already - I was the outsider.  After screwing up enough nerve I somehow got into my first game with someone who (and I remember this game exactly to this very day) I just walked up to and pulled a Gorn anchor (I was in a fed though) and scatterpacked.  I couldn't believe it!  My first time out!  With the game kind of chugging while leaving the mission I think I was sort of rude and disconnected before I was able to thank him.  (I later learned to be patient w/ the game).  

My stroke of luck w/ my first mission I don't believe lasted though.  I soon learned that there were some absolutly fantastic players on the site.  I joined a fleet and had someone who became a fast friend take me under his wing and I learned to become quite a proficient Gorn driver (boy I cheesed him off sometimes when I wouldn't listen to his advice).  We had barely started up an actual campaign game (8th fleet) with web based maps (turn based moves and production) and a whole hirearchy of command.  But that was soon to end because of infighting among one of the races for control of itself, as well as SFC2 coming out within the next few month.  All in all I would have to say it was one of the most positive online experiences that I have ever had.

I had never posted to the boards until after SFC2 came out and I went on to rant how another player was saying I was using bad tactics (ballet).  After I got the reassuring pat on the back from the people here I felt vindicated, even though the other player probably has never seen the comments.

I really have not contributed much to the boards except for my own selfish gain (hehe - evil laugh).  I designed ArticFires 10K hex map that was ever so fun until his machine went down.  I also (I think) have probably posted one of the longest nonfiction posts in my vain attempt to get intercept tracking integrated into the game (complete w/ code - I should have optimized more and used a table based system).

I will always have good memories of SFC, no matter what kind of headaches that patching and nonworking dynas had given me.  Hey I always seem to keep on coming back to see if anything new is out there that would draw me back.

But for now, I have a little better of a life than I had as a student back in Cincinnati.  I got a programming job, moved to N. Hollywood CA, and bought myself a TT roadster w/ all the trimmings except for the navigation (actually in the current IT envirnment I just feel lucky just to have a job), now if I can only track down that (as one of my old buddies used to say) playboy centerfold virgin, I will be all set!

Raise a glass in honor of all the fond memories that this game may have given us all.


played as:
8th CptG Jester
unsigned_char - after the 8th broke up



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Re: 4 years of SFC!
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2003, 04:50:43 am »
seems like only yesterday I was tearing fed-ca's a new one in my WE .