Notes: Since this ship uses the PB-32 engines, you should increase warp engine power to 16 points each. Harpdoints 1, 2, 3 fire from under the front of the saucer, hardpoints 4, 7, 8 fire from the lip structure under the shuttlebay. Hardpoint 17 fires from the aft, 16 fires from below the sec hull.
Other Notes: Start year = -23, End year = 11, Base = F-CA (USS COnstitution). The F-CC+ should be the Phase-II Enterprise design, a great model for that was made by the StressPuppy.
Shipnames Note: Should be the F-CC in your shiplist. The latest version of OP, for some mysterious reason, does not have the correct shipnames for the F-CC class, although in earlier versions of the game it was more correct. If you want the correct shipnames, copy and paste the following list into your assets/strings/shipnames.txt file, but first making a back-up of the original of course. Open the file with Notepad and scroll down until you see *** |F-CC|1706 Exeter **** followed by a list of ships of that class. Erase that list and replace it with the following:
|F-CC|1712 BonHomme Richard
||1713 Monitor
||1714 Hornet
||1715 Merrimac
||1718 Excelsior
||1720 Lafayette
||1721 Wasp
||1722 El Dorado
||1723 Ari
||1724 Saratoga
||1725 Tori
||1726 Krieger
||1764 Defiant