Topic: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?  (Read 6442 times)

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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2003, 04:43:03 pm »
Yeah, the L and R arcs do not work in the game. If they did though, they'd be instrumental in making the most accurate ship specs ever.  

Grim Reaper

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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2003, 08:53:59 am »
You've got my vote A


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2003, 04:09:46 pm »
I vote YES as well... I was wondering about this very item, but hadn't looked into it.

Thanks Atra!!  


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2003, 05:41:35 pm »
Let's have a camp-out and sing songs, they may take notice.


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2003, 05:44:41 pm »

Discussion on the inclusion of the L and R arcs in SFC
Will the game be greatly improved and allow for more glorious MOD permutations unlike any other tweak before, if the L and R arcs are implemented?
It won't change or matter much if they are implemented.


Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2003, 05:56:38 pm »
Man, you sure have got some cajones to be requesting ANOTHER patch...
...not that I wouldn't mind seeing some firing arc tweaks.  Yeah, I'd love to see it.

But I wouldn't hold my breathe.

I have, however, been proven wrong in these things before.  For instance, I NEVER thought cloak would be fixed to the state it has been.  So I suppose it COULD happen.  Can't hurt to ask, I guess, so long as we make it clear that this is above-and-beyond-the-call of duty type stuff.

Man, I love this game!



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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2003, 06:11:09 pm »
I agree, I love to see them implemented,

adam out


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #47 on: October 14, 2003, 10:24:31 am »
Hey, if it gives them and excuse/chance to change the drone release dates back to what they used to be, I'd love to see these arcs added.  



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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #48 on: October 14, 2003, 11:21:42 pm »

Rod O'neal

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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2003, 11:45:47 pm »
Not only would they help for the Feds saucer phasers, but they'd be good for heavies as well. It would allow for some more sensible bombardment designs.

As was stated earlier though, this would no doubt be WAY "above and beyond" anything that we'd have a right to expect from Taldren. It would be nice though.    


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #50 on: October 14, 2003, 11:45:47 pm »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #51 on: October 15, 2003, 01:31:34 pm »
Just to let you guys know, I'd been asking (more like begging) Dave to add graphics for the starbase weapon arcs to the new SFC3 patch we are testing. He came back to me a few days later with a list of new arcs that were added to the game, complete with UI graphics so we can mod them into our ships. Here is the complete list of new arcs that are already in the new patch , as of several weeks ago.

0_120_Arc, //FRR
120_240_Arc, //RA
240_360_Arc, //FLL
60_180_Arc, //RRR
180_300_Arc, //LLR
300_60_Arc, //FA
0_180_Arc, //RS
180_360_Arc, //LS
270_90_Arc, //FH
90_270_Arc, //RH
240_120_Arc, //FX
60_300_Arc, //RX
330_150_Arc, //RP
210_30_Arc, //LP
300_120_Arc, //FAR
240_60_Arc, //FAL
270_120_Arc, //FHR
240_90_Arc, //FHL
0_240_Arc, //RWX
120_360_Arc, //LWX
60_240_Arc, //RAR
120_300_Arc, //RAL


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #52 on: October 15, 2003, 01:55:29 pm »
Petition signed. It would mix things up a bit.



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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #53 on: October 15, 2003, 03:03:04 pm »
You got my 'Hell Yeah'...


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #54 on: October 15, 2003, 05:51:33 pm »


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2003, 08:56:26 pm »
All I'm saying is: something to consider for next time.


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2003, 08:30:20 am »
Another point that was raised by a friend of mine:

If TMP Fed ships can have 12 phasers, as they should, on the saucer hull, then that would reduce the need for having ADD's on TMP Fed ships. In fact, having 12 phasers would be so much better than having ADD's which can shoot at only 1 target at a time and eventually run out of ammo. With 12 phasers, a Fed ship can shoot down incomings and still have shots left over to strike at the real targets.

Which brings up another point: Don't ADD's make fighters and carriers not as fun to play? Automatic fire from ADD's at relatively long range sort of takes the fun out of using your fighters and carrier against an enemy.

Whereas if a Fed ship just has a lot of phasers, it becomes more fun for the Fed as well as the enemy. For the Fed, he now has enough real firepower to take out a lot of those fighters, but in order to do that he'd have to get pretty close to them. For the enemy carrier, at least the fighters are tying up the Fed's firepower because there aren't any ADD's to rely on.

Not that all races should get rid off ADD's, but TMP Feds can definitely do without them if they have enough phasers....this is speaking strictly in terms of modified specs and shiplists of course.  The L and R arcs would allow TMP Fed ships to have 12 phasers and yet not unbalance the game all out of proportion.  


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2003, 12:02:25 pm »
It would seem Dave Ferrel does  ( this is an answer to the question in the topic)

Check here and yer wish is granted  


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2003, 02:52:13 pm »
L and R, yes would make my Akira accurate, L and R torps lol lol

adam out


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Re: Who thinks the L and R arcs in SFC2/OP should be made to work?
« Reply #59 on: November 25, 2003, 01:34:16 am »
I don't understand why on earth they didn't include arbitrary arcs and be done with it.  It would have been trivial, programming-wise to do.

[Edit] By this I mean allow N1_N2 arcs where N1 is any angle and N2 is any angle.  If you assume that N2 is always > N1 (ie: clockwise), then it is trivial programming. If the arc "graphics" aren't already dynamically generated, it's a waste of storage space.  The routine to draw it would take far less space than storing all the arc graphics.  Then you don't have people bugging for new arcs - you can make whatever ones you want.  The astonishing thing to me is that no one thought to do this before.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 08:13:46 pm by Reven »