When I open Fed_01_main.mp3 in a hex editor, the first 4 bytes pairs are: FF FB 90 40
Those are the same as other mp3 files I open in my hex editor. After that comes a string of other bytes that are identical in all the SFC3 music files, after whish it goes into the jibberish of hex code. My mp3 file I made with Goldwave actually had goldwave website info hex coded into the mp3 file! I tried replacing this stuff with a copy/paste of the identical string from SFC3 music files, and played it in winamp. It played fine. I then stuck it (Fed_01_Main.mp3) back into the SFCMusic.zip file, with no compression. started SFC3, and Fed_04_ambient.mp3 started playing as usual. Went into skirmish mode and when Fed_01_Main.mp3 was supposed to play at mission start, the game crashed. I think this is definitly the problem, but how to fix it is beyond me.