I've been chipping away at missions, trying to make them compatible with EAW and OP, and thought I would take a moment to illicit some possible help. For a while I've had this whole concept of the Dragon class and the world before she came along. That's where I'm at in the missions, many years before the Dragon showed up.
So here's the setup: I'm envisioning a race that is prewarp, yet still traversing the stars in large sublight ships. In attitude alone, they are alot like the alines from the independance day movie. They go from system to system in a group of ships surrounding a larger command ship taking hundreds of years to get there. There are several groups of these aliens, all of which invade systems, habited or otherwise, and strip them of their resources so they can spread further and further. As I said, these vessels would be pre-warp, and very large, to house millions of beings and also keep them in cryogenic preservation. The most advanced thing they would have would be their wepaons systems. The weapons they carried on their vessels would be as powerful or more so than those of the TMP world (movies wise), and the vessels would be armed with more weapons than a fed, rom or klingon ship of equal size. Obviously, the command ship would be the largest of all, and dwarf a constitution or even an excelsior class vessel.
Anyone have any ideas on how to design ships for these little critters?