Topic: The Crystal Whitestar  (Read 1098 times)

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The Crystal Whitestar
« on: October 11, 2003, 01:33:31 pm »
Im really proud of this one.

Before the Vorlons went insane (from the prespective of everyone but them) and eventually left left the Galaxy, they helped the Minbari develop the White Star class attack ship. Hoping to keep thier allies on a higher technological plateau than the Shadows' allies, they gave limited bio-organic hull technology to the Minbari. The standard White Star isn't really sentient, but rather is alive like an animal. It can heal itself, and learn, but is not on the same level of evolution as the average Vorlon transport.

The Vorlons decided to help the Minbari begin to develop newer, more powerful White Stars, on a limited basis. They applied the concept of "Skin Coloring" to the hulls of some White Stars under construction. The first variant, an Amethyst colored one, gained the same increases in abilities as ships in the Vorlon fleet with the same enhancement. The four White Stars of this type were followed by three Blue skinned types, which took the Azure coloring's abilities and enhanced them, and three Crimson skinned types, which actually grew small capacitors.

The Minbari had little control over the development of the White Star variants until just before the massive, race-wide insanity gripped the Vorlons. They designed a White Star variant to provide not only a heavy attack element, but also pay homage to the Vorlons. The single Crystal Variant (named because the skin coloring was a mix of Pearly White, Silver, and Luminous Light Grey) was actually blinding to look at, due to the power that surged through its skin. It was armed with mostly Minbari Weapons, except for the one Vorlon weapon in the nose.

Here is an Image of her:
« Last Edit: October 11, 2003, 01:41:19 pm by Steelviper33 »