Topic: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins  (Read 12587 times)

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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2003, 03:54:33 am »





I usually don't visit the OT forums too muchisn't my cup of tea, but it has every right to exist IMHO.

What gets me is how when someone may have accidentally caused a problem, he was quick to get thrown to the wolves.  

I have seen the other side of the story and it sounds a whole lot more sensible to me at this point.

I hope the new admins/mods will either clarify with hard evidence or undo any witch hunting that was done on emotion and not facts.  Causing a problem by accident is not grounds for a banning in my book.  So I ask the new crew to bring forward the evidence before I can throw my support behind them for their decisions.  Until then I will remain a critic of their removal of a moderator that i think was doing a service to the community.

I like alot of what Taldren has provided us with, the latest OP patches are much appreciated for example, but I will not refrain from expressing my opinion on other matters where I disagree with what I see based on the evidence I have seen.  I welcome anything new that can be brought to light, but I currently cannot see this as anything more than a bann of those who dare to have a different opinion.  Removal of moderater status I can live with if someone don't tote the official line, but banning for differing opinions is just WRONG.  I don't expect those with differing opinions to pucker up, no matter what side of the fence I happen to be on.


He was not quickly thrown to the lions, he has been banned multiple times and has created multiple accounts, no one was really surprised he was banned.There was no 'witch hunt' the guy had been warned many times about his coduct.
I applaud the new admin on thier actions
and the fact they are going to be stricter on certain race/religous issues  

Can you Sir provide links to these questionable conduct threads?  I am interested in proofs from which to make my own judgements rather than personal observations by third parties.  I mean no offense to you by this as I'm sure you have resons for your own views, just looking for facts.   As I stated before I see no problem with his removal as a moderater, Taldren has no need to justify its choices in this regard IMHO, and such decisions don't bother me one way of the other.  Banning for differences of opinion a a different issue for me personally.  And while Taldren can do what it wants in this regard as well, my reactions to such action in this case might be dependent upon their justifications or lack thereof.  I don't think it is unfair of me to request evidence on the matter so that I can form an opinion after seeing both sides of the story with as much data to base my assessment of these positions.  Not looking to flame but to be informed.

You want a link to evidence?

Here it is:  

The same evidence has been entered by the opposing viewpoint as well....


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2003, 04:00:45 am »
Breaking prime directive in not talking about banning details, here, but there have been SO many posts asking about them and in some cases having some misinformation that's being taken to heart.

Crim was not banned for locking the threads, or on the chance that that caused the forum to crash. We don't know exactly what caused the crash. The crash was hardly intentional in and of itself (except on the bizarre .001% chance it was a 'successful' hacking attempt) and we certainly wouldn't have banned for that. However, the rampant thread locking caused a serious disruption to the forums, and with the confusion in the crash (with the locked threads being the last actions logged) at that point we removed Crim's mod status while we tried to figure out what the heck had happened. After we got the forums back up I unlocked the threads again. Crim was still not banned. The banning happened in tandem with GW's following a post on Crim's part that -- and this is my PR side talking -- demonstrated a serious lack of confidence, ahem, in the forum administration, and went beyond that into being seriously inflammatory/insulting. This, coupled with the fact that the thread locking was a very deliberate attempt to disrupt, it was decided warranted banning, by way of enforcing some time away from the forums to cool off. The thread in question was swiftly deleted when both bans went through, and my guess is that as a result some assumptions were made that Crim was banned for "crashing the forum".

The banning is not permanent, on his part or on GW's. They'll have a chance to come back if they want to. What the exact terms of this will be have not yet been determined, but there will be a post in the admin announcement board when they are.

If you have any further questions regarding this situation, please talk to me via PM. I'd rather that these things not be discussed on the boards for the privacy of those concerned.



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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2003, 04:14:19 am »
Thanks for the explanation.  Glad I wasnt here for it  Too bad you were not here a couple years ago when the mighty XC captains had to fend off some guy (moniker escapes me),  there was mehjoor banningz in that 2 day time period.


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2003, 04:14:34 am »
Thank you for your explanation Erin.

You have restored much of my confidence.  When I see Crimmy back and posting the rest will return as well.  This is exactly the kind of explanation/information that I wanted.  I thank you for it.  I have never questioned Taldren having the right to assign its moderaters as it sees fit, replacing and removing them if necessary, but the banning of individuals due to unproven accusations or differences of opinion has always made me willing to risk my own status on these forums for what I see as a legitimate cause.  I am a man who tries to live by a personal code of ethics.  It is nice to see that further support of Taldren will not be jeopardized by these ethics.  

Again thank you so much, and please don't make the temporary ban last too long.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2003, 11:02:28 am »
And back to the topic of this thread, I'll add my appreciation to the folks at Taldren. This place is an oasis of sorts to so many out there, including myself. One I like to keep coming back to  


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2003, 01:31:38 pm »
Even I have been abusive of my privileges here and have gotten out of hand with my posting at times.

The admins have my support and respect.  This does not mean I will always have to agree with them.  

I think if we learn to respect ourselves a little more we will be able to respect others.  The love starts within us.


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2003, 10:02:06 pm »
Aaaaah...not love again!  

Make war, not love!    



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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2003, 10:35:24 pm »

Aaaaah...not love again!  

Make war, not love!    


<chants while bustin' some moves>

Doggy needs more luvin', yes he does.
Doggy needs more l-l-luvin' and he wants it real!!  


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2003, 01:31:57 am »


Aaaaah...not love again!  

Make war, not love!    


<chants while bustin' some moves>

Doggy needs more luvin', yes he does.
Doggy needs more l-l-luvin' and he wants it real!!  

As opposed to Dynareal?


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2003, 10:09:53 pm »

Dogmatix barked:
Aaaaah...not love again!  

Make war, not love!    



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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #50 on: October 15, 2003, 11:29:21 am »
Good to see that piccy again, S' da man..

I loved the "Dogmatix barked:" bit, too...made me laugh.  


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A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2003, 12:24:51 am »
They couldn't have had a rougher start (unless they had been here longer, heh heh) so how about a round of applause for getting the forums back up. Despite some people's blindness you are truely appriciated Ann, Lan, And Erin!


<clap ... clap ... clap ...>



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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2003, 12:28:35 am »
Hear hear...

Rob Cole

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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2003, 12:42:50 am »
cough,cough Brown nose,cough cough  


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2003, 01:00:00 am »
All too often, we take for granted the people who behind the scenes work and toil bringing us something we just assume will always be here. We forget, someone has to actually do work to bring us these forums, they dont take care of themselves nor do they come at no expense.
Thanks to all those who maintain these forums at their own personal expense.


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #55 on: October 11, 2003, 01:01:14 am »
To what end Cole? Are they going to give me a raise? More power?

Get real.

I appriciate good hard work, especially when it's to keep a community asset operational. (Even after one of our own tried to destroy it.)  Why can't you?


Sign of the times I guess.


Rob Cole

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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #56 on: October 11, 2003, 01:04:30 am »

To what end Cole? Are they going to give me a raise? More power?

Get real.

I appriciate good hard work, especially when it's to keep a community asset operational. (Even after one of our own tried to destroy it.)  Why can't you?


Sign of the times I guess.


To what end????????? I dont know I am not the one brown nosing,You tell me!


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #57 on: October 11, 2003, 01:07:16 am »

All too often, we take for granted the people who behind the scenes work and toil bringing us something we just assume will always be here. We forget, someone has to actually do work to bring us these forums, they dont take care of themselves nor do they come at no expense.
Thanks to all those who maintain these forums at their own personal expense.  

I think the other side of this coin has been ignored a lot lately.
That would be assessing the value of a Marketing and PR firm with several hundred employees who work for free.
I don't like the assumption that the forums, all of them, aren't a valuable Taldren asset.  That they give nothing back to Taldren Inc.


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #58 on: October 11, 2003, 01:08:13 am »
You tell 'em, Tracey!  


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Re: A Round of Applause for the Taldren Admins
« Reply #59 on: October 11, 2003, 01:13:06 am »