Hiya guys as you've obviously guessed I'm the new faceless crewman (no away missions for me...), BTW big props to Taldren for getting me on here!
Anyways, there is a mesh of a ship I would like in SFC3 but having no modelling or any skills corellating to ship making in the SFC trilogy, I need you talented people's help.
The ship class is the Khitomer class, the mesh is on this awesome
site , under federation meshes. I would kind of like a working model (ie the break models, models, beauty shots, TI shots etc etc). Since the mesh is not my nor any of yours work I'd like full credit for the mesh to the author please.
Of course we need someone to host the finished work then I need lamans terms instructions for the stupid (me) to install the ship. I'm thinking destroyer -> light cruiser advanced, at least 4 phaser banks and two torpedo tubes, I'll come up with a story for the readme etc, and in a seperate post I'll post the image of the Khitomer if you can't find it.
So if someone can do this for me that would be SO super awesome!
this is like Post-DS9 I guess, no TOS kinda stuff or anything like that, I don't like the original series...