Topic: F-CLH, Date Introduced?  (Read 3788 times)

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Re: F-CLH, Date Introduced?
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2003, 12:40:37 pm »


I noticed while using the customizable Federation "Hostile Skirmish" mission in SFC1 that it lists the Federation Hospital Ship's (F-CLH) Introduction Date as "2350".  That cannot be right, shouldn't it be 2250, or at the very latest 2305?  If it is 2250 then I should use a Light Cruiser mod with TOS warp engines to represent it, such as Atrahasis'es USS Surya or USS Coventry.  However, if it is indeed 2305 then I should use a Light Cruiser mod with TMP warp engines to represent it, such as Ghost Fox's USS Anton or Wicked Zombie's USS Lantree.


Correction!  My first post should read:

'I noticed while using the customizable Federation "Hostile Skirmish" mission in SFC1 that it lists the Federation Hospital Ship's (F-CLH) Introduction Date as      "3250" .'  

  NOT "2350 "  

I apologize for the mistake of transposing the "3" and "2" of the Intro Date, both dates are wrong (2350 and 3250), they are way too late.  I appreciate everyones input, it has been helpful.  For this particular SFC1 customizable "Hostile Skirmish" that came with the game the Hospital Ship (F-CLH) is only available during the "Late" Era given its erroneous Intro Date of 3250.  Fortunately I am able to create any skirmish mission with any ship or other objects regardless of thier Introduction Date by using  Eagle Eye Software Group's Fleet Mission Script Editor (FMSE) program.  I also use their Ship Edit program to replace the stock SFC1 mods with better mods created by the people in this community.  Thank you, all of you modders and skirmish mission creaters whether its a FMSE skirmish mission or MS Visual C++ skirmish mission.  In addition thank you Eagle Eye, Paul J. Schaefer and James E. Cartrer. Sorry to see that Eagle Eye is no longer around/online.   Everyones contribution has made SFC1 more enjoyable and extended the games life beyond its initial lifespan.  I even have a TNG MS Visual C++ Skirmish Mission someone created based on TNG Episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" .  I have the Enterprise C mod (mapped to F-CA) and Enterprise D mod (mapped to F-BCJ) for this particular TNG Skirmish Mission.  I am using WickedZombies Ent-C and Ent-D, thanks guy.  The point is I can play SFC1 during any Era (TOS, TMP, TNG) because of everyones contribution.  I think the late Gene Roddenberry would be impressed with all of this, to see his creation come to life for us fans via computer gaming 37 years after the first episode of TOS aired.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CyberHank1701 »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: F-CLH, Date Introduced?
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2003, 02:53:36 pm »

LOL is that all a Aux Ship is? I have that modelled already,'s a Ptolemy pod with thingies at the ends. I might do it soon.

I agree with Cyberhank, Heavy Cruiser should be CH and in fact Ships of the Starfleet uses that designation, in contrast to SFB/SFC. The "A" might originally have had some kind of "attack" or "armored" meaning to it in the old wet navies.


no this is for the small aux ships the large ones have 2pods side by side with the bridge and impulse frame in the middle.



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Re: F-CLH, Date Introduced?
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2003, 10:16:31 pm »

 I noticed that the SFC1 version of USS Surya does not have a break mod, but it does have a break mod for the SFC2 version (file surya2_brk.MOD).  Any chance you could make a SFC1 break mod of  the Surya?
