(posted here for the first time)
Yes, I know that this was supposed to be done tonight.. but.. I got inspired.
Check this out..
http://www.strategyplanet.com/sfc/sedl/dropbox/alec/imgs/bradbury_8.jpgI've now finalized the secondary hulls.. and my inspriation was observation decks! And the ship now has a "10 Forward" on the upper saucer, plus a front and back observation deck (briefing rooms) up there, making for 7 observation decks on the ship. Yes, this shot *is* a teaser, but also shows that more work on the lower saucer needs to be done. Thrusters and deflectors are now finalized, the detailing on the secondary hulls are complete, the upper saucer needs a small lighting tweak and it'll be done, which leaves:
- lower saucer detailing and finalizing
- any detailing on the nacelles to be completed
- two rear lights (upper/lower) above/below the impulse engines
And I think that that'll do 'er..
Apologies for the wait James.. but I will get an ingame screenie out this weekend.