Hey Chris (nice last name by the way), I was trying out your Beta version of the Dominion Wars Mod...and I can't say just how awesomely thrilled I am with this. I haven't been this excited about a mod....well, ever. This is terrific...and you even included an easy to use installer to boot. Everything about it is Quality and just, words can't describe how I feel about it currently. YOU ARE THE MAN!
That said, you might run into some massive problems with the Beta Patch coming up. I tried it with the DX9 and Beta Patch version of SFC3 and though I could get some models working, the Dominion would CRASH the entire game sometimes CTD and other ways when selecting it as a race.
This was with WinXP with and ATI RAdeon AIW 7500. Just a heads up so you can know what you might have to expect with the Patch coming out. I suspect it may have to do with new regulations pertaining to the modifying of ships, but I can't be certain.
Oh yes, and there were no little bodies that I could notice in the explosions...

Great MOD!