Well in my own sickly demented, perversely dark mind I don't believe that it is not about treknological advances or about cost to construct better treknology. I believe that it can be summed up in one single sentence uttered in a terse whisper behind the locked doors of the episode developement department at Paramount Pictures.
"Only those damn trekkies will know the difference!"
Thats right folks the reason the Miranda (oh how I loathe that name

) style ship and the TMP nacelle design along with the Excelsior style design is still around is because it would have cost too much to go out and look under an overpass in San Jose to find some homeless computer arts genius and have him CGI some newer more era oriented ship models.
Hey this is America and this is my opinion!

so there nyah!!
nanny nanny boo boo!!! stick your head in doo doo!!!