Topic: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?  (Read 1092 times)

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Rogue NineCH

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I am not talking about how you do it, I figured that out for myself along time ago.  I am talking about  how you blend in TOS models, TMP models and TNG models.  For instance, what I like to do is put the TOS Constitution in the "CA" slot, and the TMP Constitution in the "CA+" slot, for the X-ships I'll use ships that look like P81's Excalibur class which I consider to be a pre-TNG ship design.  Finally I'll use the Ambasssador class and call it a "CATNG".  So you get the idea of what I do throughout all the ship classes of the Feds and the other races as well, I was wondering what you guys do?  


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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2003, 11:15:25 am »
well for sfc2/op i have a shiplist for the tos and one for the tmp, if you mix them well just check the time the ship is available so it like early = tos, middle = tmp, and late can be betwen tmp and tng and advange is tng.

Hig Hurtenflurst

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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 11:38:34 am »
I've totally re-arranged my whole shiplist in the following manner:  Frigates is now the TOS era, with everything from TOS frigates up to the Yamato BB.  Light cruisers is TMP with ships arranged in the same manner, Heavy cruisers is all the TNG ships, and Dreadnaughts and BB's are whatever I want.  Klingon and other races are set up similarly.  Though you lose a little flexibility this way,  it enables me to play skirmishes in whichever era I choose just by enabling certain ship types.  I also have a more conventional, blended version of shiplist, and entirely TOS, TMP and TNG versions  that I sometimes switch back and forth with.

Captain Ron

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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2003, 12:35:24 pm »
-43 to -25 TOS
-24 to 0 TMP
1-anything higher TNG/Voyger

I customized the file to fit some ships for each era and it gives ruffly 20 years per era. It is a complete change in the file for all races except Pirates which I leave alone, but I have to switch back to the defualt files to play on-line.


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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2003, 02:48:30 pm »
 I have 163 TOS and TMP Fed variants...... (Not including the yet to be sorted ones)

So I use a spreadsheet otherwise I lose track of whats what....!!  

Fire Blade

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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2003, 09:30:27 pm »
Early tech TOS      Middle TMP     Advanced Ambassador era ships  i tend to use the Ambassador as a battle ship she is a lot bigger than most TMP ships so in game i end up with a mixture of SFB Tos and FASA Tmp as well as non cannon stuff
 i agree with Atrahasis that some tos ships were still around in the late tmp era  

Rogue NineCH

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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2003, 11:31:45 pm »

Early tech TOS      Middle TMP     Advanced Ambassador era ships  i tend to use the Ambassador as a battle ship she is a lot bigger than most TMP ships so in game i end up with a mixture of SFB Tos and FASA Tmp as well as non cannon stuff
 i agree with Atrahasis that some tos ships were still around in the late tmp era  

You mean about the TOS being a design philosophy or whatever he called it?  I thought he actually made a pretty believable, argument.

On another note, Thanks for the responses, I will say that my customized shiplist is VERY large, and it takes forever to play the Feds since I like to use every model and slowly work my way up the shiplist.  If there is one feature I wish SFC-OP had was the ability to refit your ship, instead of getting rid of your FF and buying the FF+ you can pay a different amount to refit your current ship to the upgraded version.  I think  SFC3 has that ability doesn't it?  Anyway, I still love playing the game, can't tell you how many hours I have spent on it, I think I would be afraid to really know how many!

Fire Blade

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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2003, 11:34:46 pm »
Thanks   B.T.W   What are you working on at the moment ?  

Rogue NineCH

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Re: A little OT, but SFC related. How do you add models that you download?
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2003, 11:47:15 pm »
Right now I have been working on the Champlain and the Kalindra for Don Karnage, and the Andor I am working on as well too. Right now it is slow going.