More Background on FDA and RDA to add to your site. I was a member of both fleets in SFC2.
FDA was a highly decorated fleet that lasted for more than one year. It was founded by RDA_Thor and ol' Legacy. Those who spent any time in GameSpy surely remember Legacy, who is now a rank 8. Thor is also a rank 8.
Thor and Legacy are father and son. DP was Legacy's cousin, and also a member and excellent pilot in both fleets.
RDA disbaned over internal politics and command squabbles, and myself and several members left to join 14G. FDA won several top GS awards, as did many of the players. I actually ranked 5th overall during one cycle last year.
Within months, Thor and Legacy created another fleet -- RDA: The Renegade Demonic Alliance. It was a Klingon fleet. This fleet had some of the best Klingon pilots in GameSpy. They lasted for about six months, but were disbanded two months ago. RDA won the highest GS award -- top fleet, second and third in consecutive 90-day GSA cycles.
Thor changed his name to RDA_Fek'ler, and was the founder of RDA with Legacy at his side. Legacy also changed his name, but for the life of me I cant remember it.
Unfortunatley, many of the SGC2 fleets went to the wind when GZLeagues pulled the plug and GameSpy took over the ladder. I don't know if it will ever recover.
Oh, and since the guide is so comprehensive, we have added it to the links page at
BOTAKnights WaterTiger