Topic: Now that this project seems to be history....The enterprise Rommie is avail.  (Read 3731 times)

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A lot of people don't care for this design and I'm guessing that they have problems with it's design in the timeline.  Same thing is said about the Enterprise too.  I personally think this is one of the better designed ships of all the series.  So wickedly cool I can overlook the fact that it is way more advanced looking than the TOS era bop which is a classic design in itself.  I can definately stomach this over the cgi models I see out there of the TOS Connie where they have over done hull plating and such trying to make it look like it would with todays technology.

With todays technology we get the Enterprise from the current series.  With 60's model crafting by hand we get the classic ship and it's wonderful unblemished hull.  Kind of like a pristine wedding dress as opposed to a punk meet grunge outfit.

Take each ship on it's own merits and don't just dismiss it because of B&B's bastardized timeline crapola.  Some will stand the test of time and some won't.




 Enterprise era Bop      


  • Guest
Oooo me like! You nailed it bud.

PS you might even want to consider this ship a design ancestor for the SFB Snipe frigate, something for you to consider. The design elements I'm speciifically speaking of are the tear-drop shaped hull and the over-extending tailfin.  

BTW if you need server space I know some people (not Nightsoft).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Atrahasis »


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Your Rommie is gorgeous.

I've been hoping to see this ship turn up here! You've made my day!

Thank you very much!    


  • Guest
If anything this ship fits more in the TNG era than anywhere else. Aside from the basic shape, the design is nothing like the original TOS BoP, there isn't even a bird painted on 'er.

At any rate, you definitely did the ship justice - she looks just like the bird from the series.


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Thanks for the offer Brotha A but my currently awol double top secret partner and I have space and a domain name.

At least it makes for a good storage spot...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by anduril »


  • Guest
You should put your ships up then, they've been away for far too long.  


  • Guest
 Thanks, I think it's a pretty cool ship.


  • Guest
BTW, are you (Anduril) the creator of that modified Ambassador Class ship, the Titan, from that modeling contest way back?  


  • Guest
Not me.

The Titan was by DamoclesX if I'm not mistaken.

James Formo

  • Guest
Excellant ship. I was just looking for this as I remember seeing a wip awhile back.


  • Guest
that is such a sweet ship! mind if i add it to my mod?


  • Guest
I really like the ship Anduril, and I agree with what you're saying. My only problem with the design is the "Rom'Hadar" style warp engines. Not very original. But you did an excellent job. BTW, didn't you make a Lyran BB and Romulan BB at some point? If so, what ever became of those?  


  • Guest
Personally, I think it's a great looking Rom, and it will be flying on the Dyna shortly.

As to the timeline, well...<shrugs> me, the look of this ship lets it fit into just about any era it wants.  


  • Guest
your model is great, the mesh and texture but the original design of that ship is totally sh** espacially thos pseudo Jemhadar


  • Guest
I don't see what people are complaining about, I can totally imagine this ship placed before TOS, as long as you keep two things in mind:

1) The galaxy was a gloriously complex, sophisticated, and advanced place long before the humans arrived on the scene.

2) Necessity is the mother of invention. There are certain styles for warp engines that bring certain advantages, like a cylindrical shape, or a wedge shape, or a rectangle shape. Depending on what advantage is being experimented with will dictate the shape of the nacelle, and it stands to reason via a structuralist argument alone that many races will reach the same conclusions independently.  


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Pontificating on this further, think of what the shape of the warp coils inside the wedge-shaped Jem-Hadar style engines must look like: small coils at front and back, big ones in the middle, assuming of course that they are using a coil arrangement at all. Such an arrangement may be able to give superior warp acceleration in a short amount of time which is useful for combat, but not a high top warp speed because for that you need constant and longer acceleration force, which means longer cyclindrical nacelles.  


  • Guest

I don't see what people are complaining about, I can totally imagine this ship placed before TOS, as long as you keep two things in mind:

1) The galaxy was a gloriously complex, sophisticated, and advanced place long before the humans arrived on the scene.

2) Necessity is the mother of invention. There are certain styles for warp engines that bring certain advantages, like a cylindrical shape, or a wedge shape, or a rectangle shape. Depending on what advantage is being experimented with will dictate the shape of the nacelle, and it stands to reason via a structuralist argument alone that many races will reach the same conclusions independently.  

you could tell me what you want but all those enterprise series new designs of the history of Star Trek are sh** excapt the Surok  


  • Guest
Hello Anduril,

Thanks alot for releasing this beautiful RSS Bird-of-Prey "Alpha" version (Enterprise ),
I really enjoyed the episode were Archer risks his life to save Reed,
who is trapped by the Romulan mine,
I thought it showed true friendship to stay with Reed, and detontate the mine together,

You've done a very professional job, and the BOP is "to a tee" exacting,

Its a priveldge, to download this starship
Thank you Anduril,

Take care,
Don (aka Agent Sloan)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »

Fire Blade

  • Guest
Good to see that your still around i like the ship
dont realy care for Enterprise though  cheers
Fire Blade  


  • Guest
Ya Desty,
I think I posted a link to both those ships sometime last summer.  I'll do that again after I check them out to make sure the zips are alright.