Taldrenites > Starfleet Command CD Key Issues
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Part Two
I purchased SFC3 as soon as it was available in my area
I played my copy of SFC3 for three days. That was it.
I have not returned to it since (been a few months now...)
I'm quite sure I will not be using my copy. I could send you
my CD key and you need not fear that I will want to use it.
101 uses for SFC3......
Just let me know.
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Wow, one or two of them are actually funny (and I think they both came from Nuclear Wessels).
Just shows most bashers can't string a sentence together, let alone make a joke.
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Give them time dave their not up to 101 yet
Ill be honest with you dave I like D3 more than D2 I like the chat better and fleeting up is better (still needs a few more missions tho)
And I love the cloak
SFC2 is (imho) taldrens greatest work to date SFC3 can get up there with it it just needs time and care
A lot of people forget just what you have done for SFC2 if it was not for you it would not be as good as it is
(I might not all ways agree with you or taldren but I do thank you and taldren for all the time and effort you have put in to a
game series that I love )SFC is more than a game its an addiction
Please note that I realize just what Taldren has done,
and continues to do for us, and in no way do I want to
endanger that. Something to consider
The thread linked there ( Taldren: WON Directory Server is down!!! )
is important to me and the response given is very generous.
I understand that Taldren has no real obligation to continue
to support the D2 but continues to do so.
I am sorry that I voiced my disappointment in SFC3 in this way.
I guess we went a little too far. It is recognised that you have
been on edge lately and I should have been more considerate
and taken that into consideration. I have said my piece on SFC3
on the old forums and I should have left it at that, and do consider
myself lucky that what I said there has not gotten me banned.
I should stick to discussing things like the structure of the
blobs in the SQL database or how to eventually replace the
distributed network architecture of the the WON logon.
I just got a call that might make all this a rather moot point
for me. My landlord is going to sell the house (I have a great deal here)
and if I have to move, with the rents here, I may not be able to afford the
internet any longer (considering it's price too...)
Wow, talk about Karma man. "The world is round", "Time wounds all heels" all that...
I'm waiting for the lighting bolt to come next...
I think some people just need to cut these guys a bit of slack, there has been an abunadance of critcism over the past few months. It gets to a certain stage when people doing the criticising have to also step back and maybe consider if they are being totaly reasonable. How many more times do people need to make the same points, I think we all are aware of the games major problems, most will be fixed in the patch that Taldren have already made.
Too many personal insults have been made, and far too many generalizations.
As for the CD key, well too bad I take care of all of my manuals (thats where all my cd keys are for some reason), they stay in the box, with the cd, in a dvd rack. If you buy a MD player, and lose the remote (for some this is the only control mechanism) then do you expect a free one back from the company? This analagy isnt perfect but I felt like I needed one.
When you buy a game you buy one liscense which is contained within a code. This is done so that people can copy the CD as many times as they like, but its going to be harder to make 100% useful copies, this is thanks to numerous warez sites and people who make copies not only for there friends but for everybody on there block (for a price of course) at the expense of publishers AND developers.
I mean OH MY F'IN GOD you have a CD which is pretty much impossible to break without using extream force, and a single line worth of security code. You pay $50 or £35 for this, you would think you would take better care of it. If not then its not the publishers fault, they are under no obligation to give you another liscense.
Big for giving your CD key away, however, big for constantly dissing (whoever they may be, no names mentioned).
...big for constantly dissing (whoever they may be, no names mentioned).
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I am clearly not "constantly dissing" anybody.
Please read the above more carefully.
Perhaps the "odd whine" but certainly not
"constantly dissing".
Please acknowledge this correction.
...big for constantly dissing (whoever they may be, no names mentioned).
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I am clearly not "constantly dissing" anybody.
Please read the above more carefully.
Perhaps the "odd whine" but certainly not
"constantly dissing".
Please acknowledge this correction.
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Erm I clearly state no names mentioned, this is because I had no one in mind when I wrote this. Please note this correction
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