Hey 3dot14,
Maybe this isn't the end of the dream.
We've always thought we could one day go purchase GAW ... and now, for this game engine, it seems like that possibility is near gone. But, thinking "outside the box" for a moment lead me to wonder about a few things. This is purely speculation.
Erik said once he really wanted to produce GAW. He obviously knows how badly we fans would like - no LOVE - this addition to his game. Just how much work was really done? Models were unexpected, at least by me. Sure, you'd need to test results with something, but any model from the existing game could've been used for that. From a financial standpoint, time = $$$, that would seem right; code first, art last. Maybe I'm wrong ...
Now for the big "What if ...?" part. What if models and production art were not all Erik was willing to make available for the fans? (My jaded and cynical side is really making it hard to make this post seriously, but really, what if?) It's not like I'm ungratefull for what has been released. He didn't have to O.K. anything, but for whatever reason, he did. He has my thanks at the very least. His generosity is greatly apprieciated.
Those max file, he knew, would be converted into ship mods and used. No harm there, can't control what the fans do with them. Now if he were to release other "add-ins", perhaps, with a little community effort and a wink and a nod from Taldren, we would indeed have GAW. No law says he can't give the stuff away if he can't profit financially from it.
Ok,ok...It's all wishful thinking and fairy tales. My jaded and cynical side has come back to control this post. This will never happen, as there is no Easter bunny and no code to add. There are no additional UI's for the extra races and no way to add them anyways. There are no ways to include pinwheeling and webs. The game maps will not support the additional Empires...cartels are just a work around. There is no ...
hmmm ... is hope really that dead on this issue? Have we beaten the horse to glue and now stuck fast ...?
This is too frustrating and too depressing. I'm going to go breath a little more life into TOS and finish up a model.