Topic: Mirrored Universe Question  (Read 5454 times)

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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2003, 07:00:31 pm »
Hey Don,

Can you send me any and all mirror universe models that you have???

Thanks man!!!  


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2003, 07:14:43 pm »

(~Agent Sloan turns portable cloaking device off~)
"... vizt Poof ..." Agent Sloan in black leather Section 31 uniform appears,

Howdy ... please check your e-mail my friend,
the Section 31 "Easter-bunny" has left yaa something,

Checking for "More Eggs" ... Section 31 out

(~Agent Sloan turns portable claoking device back on~)
"... vizt Poof ..." Agent Sloan in black leather Section 31 Uniform disappears,


Hey Don,

Can you send me any and all mirror universe models that you have???

Thanks man!!!  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2003, 10:09:52 pm »

Thanks for all the cool comments, guys. It's been a while since I did any work on Tiberius Station.  I did have plans to extend much of what was there; but after a few major computer problems and about two changes of residence, I lost the site password to upload and  changed ISP's ( thus email addy), so I wrote it off as a dead site. I didn't think anyone remembered it.

I was a lurker here for far too long, and I'm trying to contribute more to this great community that has captured my attention, my imagination, and my graditude.



(a.k.a.  I_Mudd.)  

Captain Ron

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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2003, 04:24:44 am »
See now that is what i like more ppl that contributed coming back and continuing to expand the bounderies of this place. It is also nice to see that so much work is around and being discovered in the forgotten corners by some us us and totally new to others.

Still wondering though what makes the Alternate universe a dark one for ship colours?
Germany was considered the evil empire through the two world wars and had some of the more colourful planes.


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2003, 07:20:42 am »
Hello I_Mudd,

Thats you ....

Oh my God,
I apologise for the bad start that you and I got off to,
I'm sincerely sorry man,

Your Tiberius Station is a marvel, and your work is unique indeed,
You've done breath-taking Terran Empire starships,

Please in the future consider sharing your marvelous contributions with the SFC community,
you've got alot of talent, and an amaizing imagination,

"Harcord Fenton Mudd!!! .... Where have you been? ... Have you been drin...."



Thanks for all the cool comments, guys. It's been a while since I did any work on Tiberius Station.  I did have plans to extend much of what was there; but after a few major computer problems and about two changes of residence, I lost the site password to upload and  changed ISP's ( thus email addy), so I wrote it off as a dead site. I didn't think anyone remembered it.

I was a lurker here for far too long, and I'm trying to contribute more to this great community that has captured my attention, my imagination, and my graditude.



(a.k.a.  I_Mudd.)  

Take care, and best wishes I_Mudd,

Agent Sloan


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2003, 07:48:38 am »
Hey Mr. Mudd:

I've always been a fan of your site. Your interpretations of the Mirror Universe are excellent, and you've also brought some rare ship designs to the game as well.

Your contributions are very much appreciated and admired. If you ever get the bug again to create more Mirror Universe ships, Tiberious Station is in for some serious traffic!  


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2003, 08:38:30 am »
It's okay Don. I kinda have a mischievious side to me that just takes over (Just think Loki of Norse mythology and that hits it pretty close to the mark ...) . I was merely playing and apologize for any hurt feelings. I figured sooner or later we'd bump into each other and "make nice like".  

As for future plans in the mirror and such, let's just say with my new found activty level, you ain't seen nothing yet. All I need is time.



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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2003, 09:53:12 am »
Hello I_Mudd,

I'm really sorry about our bad start,
It was my fault, please forgive me

your work is TOP-NOTCH!!!
and incredibly unique,

You've got a real talent and downright flare for Mirror Universe starships,
It would be a joy and a priveldge too see any of your new works indeed,

Gods Speed, and Good Fortune I_Mudd,

Take care,
Agent Sloan


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2003, 11:33:35 am »
Mr. Mudd,

If you need ideas for future Mirror Universe ships, I know I for one would like to see these:

U.S.S. Reliant, U.S.S. Excelsior, P81's U.S.S. Excalibur FCX, Mackie's Galahad Class, and Enterprise B.

I think these guys would be immensely popular, but that's just my opinion of course.  

Fire Blade

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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2003, 09:49:48 pm »
Sorry to take so long to reply to you Kaenyne i use the WZ connie a a wylde fire ship seeing there supposed to be in federation space that the "Purchase" federation surplus ships
any way i have been taking screen shot of the ships i have been messing around with the textures
but i have no way of posting them  

Captain Ron

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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2003, 09:52:04 pm »

Sorry to take so long to reply to you Kaenyne i use the WZ connie a a wylde fire ship seeing there supposed to be in federation space that the "Purchase" federation surplus ships
any way i have been taking screen shot of the ships i have been messing around with the textures
but i have no way of posting them  

Use village photos it is free if you keep under 20 photos and they are under 100K each


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2003, 07:17:55 am »
Captain Ron,


Have respect for your enemies, after all you made them

Excellent point!
Great food-for-thought,

Take care,
Agent Sloan


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2003, 07:35:47 am »
Hello Azel,

(~Agent Sloan turns off personal cloaking device and materialises~)

Hey man, das Bunny left you something,

(~Agent Sloan turn on personal cloaking deivce and de-materialises~),

You've now got all me eggs,

Take care, and best wishes,
Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2003, 12:22:16 pm »

Hey Don,

Can you send me any and all mirror universe models that you have???

Thanks man!!!  

Ditto for

thanks in advance

BTW I always have liked liked the concept of an alternate trek or other scifi genre universes where everthing is is topsy-turvy...either that or my sense of humour is getting the better of me...Gilligan's Island set as a Klingon warriour academy...Nevermind..
Semper Fi, Cary On!

Captain Ron

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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2003, 09:50:00 pm »
Back looking at things again after a bad week at work. Now it seems the going opinion is to make a negative copy of the current feds and use that, with red for the glowing/lighted areas.
The question still stands though is this what they should be?
Should they be standard colours with reds instead of the blues?
Reason being a alternate universe does not mean alternate looking ships and colours (the symbols are changed due to a T.V. Star Trek Episode)


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #35 on: October 12, 2003, 01:57:36 pm »
Here's my take on it.

In the episode we saw, when they showed the ISS Enterprise, she was colored exactly the same as the USS Enterprise.  The only thing that really was different was the signage.  However, I also like the idea of what they did in ST:VOY "Living Witness" (which for all intents and purposes nicely shows a Mirror Universe Voyager and crew), with beefing up the weaponry.  More visible weaponry to intimidate and terrorize.

Also in fan fiction, there was an awfully good story I read depicting a Mirror Universe Picard and crew where Picard retained the Borg armor (after he was recaptured by his people from the Borg) in order to more strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.  Think he even retained the Borg shielding as well.

So, I'd not change the coloring too much.. maybe a bit darker.  But definitely enhance the weapons prescence by maybe lighting the areas where the weapons are.. a dull red or orange at the phaser stripping, lighting on the photon ports, and for non-texture related ideas, maybe putting a few surface mounted phaser siege cannons and such on the hull.  Mirror Universe weapons development would probably be ahead of the normal Trek universe, so adding quantum torpedos to a Galaxy Class ship would work.  Shielding would be important.  Remember, these ships would in some cases go in alone and lay siege to a planet.

That's just my two cents worth...


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #36 on: October 12, 2003, 02:00:25 pm »
In my opinion the Borg represent what the anti-Feds woulda been...

Maybe in an extreme sense, but the concept is there...


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #37 on: October 12, 2003, 02:06:30 pm »
KF, just want to add.. who says that the Imperials fell?  Maybe in the Berman universe... or maybe in the TMP period of the "Enterprise" universe (which is still the Berman universe).

There's literally no evidence that the Berman-basterdied Mirror Universe that visited the DS9 universe was the same Mirror Universe that we saw in "Mirror, Mirror".  We were simply led to assume so by Berman.  That could've been a single  universe in which the Imperials fell out of all them in which they didn't... including the one that Kirk visited.  

There's evidence for this as well.. think of the TNG episode in which "Captain Riker" had to destroy the Ent-D from the almost wholly Borg-assimilated Federation universe.  Was that universe the norm?  Nope.. and it was different from the Borg-assimilated Federation universe that we also caught a glimpse of in ST:FC as well.

So, personally.. I just discount what we see in DS9 as being an aberration of the norm.  Everyone else is too busy building the Terran Empire to be concerned with visiting DS9.  


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2003, 02:09:38 pm »
Don't forget, nobody knows when the Empire fell.  Kira said it happened after Spock took over the Empire, and we know how long Vulcans can live...


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Re: Mirrored Universe Question
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2003, 08:28:35 pm »

KF, just want to add.. who says that the Imperials fell?  Maybe in the Berman universe... or maybe in the TMP period of the "Enterprise" universe (which is still the Berman universe).

There's literally no evidence that the Berman-basterdied Mirror Universe that visited the DS9 universe was the same Mirror Universe that we saw in "Mirror, Mirror".  We were simply led to assume so by Berman.  That could've been a single  universe in which the Imperials fell out of all them in which they didn't... including the one that Kirk visited.  

There's evidence for this as well.. think of the TNG episode in which "Captain Riker" had to destroy the Ent-D from the almost wholly Borg-assimilated Federation universe.  

The TNG episode you're thinking of is "Parallels"

And according to that episode there are an infinite number of Quantum Realities and as demonstrated by the episode some indistinguishable from the "normal" universe

It's entirely possible that in DS9 we saw a diffrent Quantum Reality of the mirror universe where the Empire fell

And who's to say that the Quantum fissure Worf ran into that started the mess in "Parallels" wasn't a failed atempt by the Terran Empire to invade