The LAN layout is like this. This is an apartment complex that has offered High-Speed Wireless Internet as one of its perks for living here. You rent the LAN cards from the front office, after installing the software needed for the Card, it then connects you to an Access Point that is run by an Independant Company that has contracted with the apartment to provide the Internet. There are several Access Points situated across the Complex, how many? I dont know, I know that I am connected to the 12th one. They claim that only a handful of games cannot run on their network, Everquest being the one they mentioned as the most popular. The end user has no control over anything the LAN provides, If someone in the know can provide a reason as to why it should be working, perhaps I can foreward it to them and get this problem solved.
The SFC in question is actually 3, but EAW doesnt work either. As for OP, well I hope to find out in a couple of weeks, after it arrives in the mail.

Forewarding the ports might be an interesting Idea, I suspect it might be neccessary to put myself "outside" the access point the way I had to put myself in the DMZ last year with a Cable Router. If that is the case, I may never be able to play the Dyna this year.