Topic: Wireless LAN Cards  (Read 2948 times)

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Wireless LAN Cards
« on: October 08, 2003, 10:45:42 am »
All right I posted this once before (but going back i couldnt find the original post) but is there a way to get SFC to run over a Wireless LAN card?

Before anyone jumps in and says that ports need to be opened, No, all ports ARE OPEN.

The Administrator says that Wireless cards by their nature are not capable of full duplex transmissions.  Does SFC require a full duplex?  

The Postman

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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2003, 01:12:50 pm »
I was playing OP for a while over a wireless network and only had one mission get buggy.  Since I didn't have control of the access  point, I don't know if some else was using  most of the band width for something else.  Other than that one time , I had no problems playing even though I was over 300' from the access point on a Lynksys card.  


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 06:59:01 pm »

All right I posted this once before (but going back i couldnt find the original post) but is there a way to get SFC to run over a Wireless LAN card?

Before anyone jumps in and says that ports need to be opened, No, all ports ARE OPEN.

The Administrator says that Wireless cards by their nature are not capable of full duplex transmissions.  Does SFC require a full duplex?  

What do you mean by "get to run"??  Is SFC loading??  Can you connect to the D2?  If you were to open up a webbrower, does that work???  What are your symptoms??  You're going to have to get more specific if you want some help.

 Possible problems:  SFC cannot figure out your IP address as assigned the wireless network sort of like a playing behind a NAT, all the ports are not open on the server that is providing the network connection.  If you are using a public WAP, no reason to suspect that they have those ports open.  But this is just me talking through my hat.


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2003, 08:04:53 pm »
At least three people I know of are playing behind wireless routers, although I am not sure of the makes and models (one is Linksys and I think another is Netgear). If you are having a problem I would not say it is a function of the LAN being wireless, but more likely to be much more mundane in so far as the router is not configured correctly. (Unless you have one of those routers which just don't do NAT properly.)  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2003, 12:19:08 am »
Well, SFC does run, just wont log in to Dyna, and i hate Gamespy too much to try skirmishes.  As for what happens at the access point, the IT man assures me that all the ports are open.  So I suppose its possible that it does not do NAT correctly. Was just hoping that the problem could be corrected here on my end, instead of nagging the IT company about it.  


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2003, 12:55:15 am »
Can you describe the layout of your LAN (topology)? Some of the terms you have used are a little confusing.

Is this a home setup running several PC's from a cable or DSL modem via a small wireless router (eg Linksys)?


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2003, 01:25:50 am »
Well there is nothing inherent to the Wireless cards that would prevent SFC (or any other game) from playing. (At least nothing in the consumer level Wireless technology nowadays.)
I have played SFC behind wireless router (linksys) in a home-lan setup using both linksys wireless card (PC card), and a Dell brand wireless card (built-in).

UNFORTUNATELY, SFC does not do well with any kind of NAT. (since I have access to the accespoint config in my home-lan, I managed to forward the neccesary ports)

Not only the ports have to be open, IF (and only if) this is a router assigning internal IP's, you need to forward the ports. (which require access to the AccessPoint.)


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2003, 01:51:46 am »

Not only the ports have to be open, IF (and only if) this is a router assigning internal IP's, you need to forward the ports. (which require access to the AccessPoint.)  

This is the important bit! And I expect the reason for the problem. Your ISP may tell you all ports are open (because he is not blocking any), but your wireless router may not be forwarding the necessary ports to the PC you are using for SFC.

Which SFC are you talking about anyway? SFC:TNG has a comprehensive little readme on home networks which may be useful to you.  


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2003, 12:26:58 pm »
The LAN layout is like this.  This is an apartment complex that has offered High-Speed Wireless Internet as one of its perks for living here.  You rent the LAN cards from the front office, after installing the software needed for the Card, it then connects you to an Access Point that is run by an Independant Company that has contracted with the apartment to provide the Internet.  There are several Access Points situated across the Complex, how many? I dont know, I know that I am connected to the 12th one.   They claim that only a handful of games cannot run on their network, Everquest being the one they mentioned as the most popular.  The end user has no control over anything the LAN provides, If someone in the know can  provide a reason as to why it should be working, perhaps I can foreward it to them and get this problem solved.  

The SFC in question is actually 3, but EAW doesnt work either.  As for OP, well I hope to find out in a couple of weeks, after it arrives in the mail.

Forewarding the ports might be an interesting Idea, I suspect it might be neccessary to put myself "outside" the access point the way I had to put myself in the DMZ last year with a Cable Router.  If that is the case, I may never be able to play the Dyna this year.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2003, 12:49:08 pm by Lieutenant_Q »


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2003, 09:47:10 pm »
Okay, you are on the right track in so far as their router does need to be set up to forward the ports that you need. If this can't be done the you won't be able to get on the dynaverse. SFC3 should be easier to get on with because the it's using a newer version of directplay, but it stills needs those ports. OP and EAW use the same ports. If one works the other will and vice versa.

If the people providing the router access are not able to forward those ports for you then you are in trouble.  


  • Guest
Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2003, 10:45:42 am »
All right I posted this once before (but going back i couldnt find the original post) but is there a way to get SFC to run over a Wireless LAN card?

Before anyone jumps in and says that ports need to be opened, No, all ports ARE OPEN.

The Administrator says that Wireless cards by their nature are not capable of full duplex transmissions.  Does SFC require a full duplex?  

The Postman

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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2003, 01:12:50 pm »
I was playing OP for a while over a wireless network and only had one mission get buggy.  Since I didn't have control of the access  point, I don't know if some else was using  most of the band width for something else.  Other than that one time , I had no problems playing even though I was over 300' from the access point on a Lynksys card.  


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2003, 06:59:01 pm »

All right I posted this once before (but going back i couldnt find the original post) but is there a way to get SFC to run over a Wireless LAN card?

Before anyone jumps in and says that ports need to be opened, No, all ports ARE OPEN.

The Administrator says that Wireless cards by their nature are not capable of full duplex transmissions.  Does SFC require a full duplex?  

What do you mean by "get to run"??  Is SFC loading??  Can you connect to the D2?  If you were to open up a webbrower, does that work???  What are your symptoms??  You're going to have to get more specific if you want some help.

 Possible problems:  SFC cannot figure out your IP address as assigned the wireless network sort of like a playing behind a NAT, all the ports are not open on the server that is providing the network connection.  If you are using a public WAP, no reason to suspect that they have those ports open.  But this is just me talking through my hat.


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2003, 08:04:53 pm »
At least three people I know of are playing behind wireless routers, although I am not sure of the makes and models (one is Linksys and I think another is Netgear). If you are having a problem I would not say it is a function of the LAN being wireless, but more likely to be much more mundane in so far as the router is not configured correctly. (Unless you have one of those routers which just don't do NAT properly.)  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2003, 12:19:08 am »
Well, SFC does run, just wont log in to Dyna, and i hate Gamespy too much to try skirmishes.  As for what happens at the access point, the IT man assures me that all the ports are open.  So I suppose its possible that it does not do NAT correctly. Was just hoping that the problem could be corrected here on my end, instead of nagging the IT company about it.  


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2003, 12:55:15 am »
Can you describe the layout of your LAN (topology)? Some of the terms you have used are a little confusing.

Is this a home setup running several PC's from a cable or DSL modem via a small wireless router (eg Linksys)?


  • Guest
Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2003, 01:25:50 am »
Well there is nothing inherent to the Wireless cards that would prevent SFC (or any other game) from playing. (At least nothing in the consumer level Wireless technology nowadays.)
I have played SFC behind wireless router (linksys) in a home-lan setup using both linksys wireless card (PC card), and a Dell brand wireless card (built-in).

UNFORTUNATELY, SFC does not do well with any kind of NAT. (since I have access to the accespoint config in my home-lan, I managed to forward the neccesary ports)

Not only the ports have to be open, IF (and only if) this is a router assigning internal IP's, you need to forward the ports. (which require access to the AccessPoint.)


  • Guest
Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2003, 01:51:46 am »

Not only the ports have to be open, IF (and only if) this is a router assigning internal IP's, you need to forward the ports. (which require access to the AccessPoint.)  

This is the important bit! And I expect the reason for the problem. Your ISP may tell you all ports are open (because he is not blocking any), but your wireless router may not be forwarding the necessary ports to the PC you are using for SFC.

Which SFC are you talking about anyway? SFC:TNG has a comprehensive little readme on home networks which may be useful to you.  


  • Guest
Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2003, 12:26:58 pm »
The LAN layout is like this.  This is an apartment complex that has offered High-Speed Wireless Internet as one of its perks for living here.  You rent the LAN cards from the front office, after installing the software needed for the Card, it then connects you to an Access Point that is run by an Independant Company that has contracted with the apartment to provide the Internet.  There are several Access Points situated across the Complex, how many? I dont know, I know that I am connected to the 12th one.   They claim that only a handful of games cannot run on their network, Everquest being the one they mentioned as the most popular.  The end user has no control over anything the LAN provides, If someone in the know can  provide a reason as to why it should be working, perhaps I can foreward it to them and get this problem solved.  

The SFC in question is actually 3, but EAW doesnt work either.  As for OP, well I hope to find out in a couple of weeks, after it arrives in the mail.

Forewarding the ports might be an interesting Idea, I suspect it might be neccessary to put myself "outside" the access point the way I had to put myself in the DMZ last year with a Cable Router.  If that is the case, I may never be able to play the Dyna this year.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2003, 12:49:08 pm by Lieutenant_Q »


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Re: Wireless LAN Cards
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2003, 09:47:10 pm »
Okay, you are on the right track in so far as their router does need to be set up to forward the ports that you need. If this can't be done the you won't be able to get on the dynaverse. SFC3 should be easier to get on with because the it's using a newer version of directplay, but it stills needs those ports. OP and EAW use the same ports. If one works the other will and vice versa.

If the people providing the router access are not able to forward those ports for you then you are in trouble.