Yes, I agree.
Due to the legal quagmire, I doubt such a model is possible with SFC, given the hopelessly entangled players of ADB, Viacom, Activision, Interplay, and Taldren, but I think it would make sense.
A system whereby people purchase software directly from Taldren, with steady support and multiple small expansions. I know I would pay for the support that Taldren (Dave Ferrell) has been offering for Orion Pirates strictly For Love Of The Game (and to protect Taldren's good name). I just can't imagine the legal morass that has to be navigated to make it so (ahem).
Integrate some sort of dynamic means of checking for legit copies via a Dynaverse, and you have at least some ongoing protection from hackers. At this point, however, I would think that the audience for SFC continues to be people who are sincere well-wishers for the economic viability of Taldren and its programmers, and hence less likely to go the pirate-route. But there will always be those 'software czars' who have to have a copy of EVERYTHING, yet never want to invest the time to get particularly good at any one game. So it is kind of self-limiting anyhow.
That's how I sees it, anyways.
Interesting post. How good of a game is GalCiv anyway? Is it only single-player?