Funny you mentioned the Barlowe thing, Desty_Nova... I have always slobbered over his art for years... I recall one time a few months ago, when I first started talking to Atolm/Azel... I had told him 'you know something odd.. your work reminds me so much of this wscky genius guy W.D.Barlowe", and Azel said," why yes, he has been an influence on me for some time"... or something similar to that, pardon my paraphrasing...
gad, I about fell out of my chair....
I never met anyone who like Barlowe before, much less would apply said design philosophies to Star Trek Universe ships... after that, I guess that really sold me on any of Azel's works... just seems like one of the pinnacles of creativity around here to think of something like that...
draft A complete Azel..