I was at Montana's with Strafer, the SO and the baby.. and I was drawing on the table diagrams and ideas along the lines of OP+, what could be added.. .. and I was describing captured ships, when I had this interesting revelation..Historical Background (
made up, of course..)
In Y176, A F-CC+ was ambushed along the Romulan neutral zone by multiple warbirds. The battle was absolutely one-sided as the Fed was conned into WW to the wrong weapons, was stripped of all its shields by 2 Envelopping PLaRs and was forced to declare emergency saucer separation to what turned out to be a well-thought out feint which left the secondary hull relatively intact. The still-battle-worthy saucer section was quickly dispatched and the now inactive rear-hull was kept as a prize.
.. but what do you do with still 'good' Federation secondary hull? Well, you replace the saucer portion of course..
.. but with what? .. Why, with .. something that has the size and shape of a Federation saucer, and has impulse only..
.. Like a WB+, which has only impulse engines.

Romulan Heavy Command Cruiser (Captured Federation Ship):
Saucer, part of WB+:
6 Impulse, 3 APR
2xph1 FAL, 2xph1 FAR
2 shuttlebays
Secondary Hull:
2xPLaF FH (FP, where the photon launchers used to be)
1xPLaD RH (Rear, replaces DroG)
2x15 Warps, 2 AWR
2xph1 360
2xph3 360
4 shuttlebays
Ship has 2 separate Shuttle Bays.
The SSDs for both ships are in SFB's BASIC Module.
PS. Yes, the model is crappy, but I just wanted to see what it would look like.

Do you like the idea?
-- Luc
Edit: Original title not catchy enough. Stats have been separated into sections that clearly define the WB's and Fed's parts.