Topic: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics  (Read 5046 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« on: September 22, 2003, 06:11:41 pm »
I told Bernard G. I would post these pics at the forums.

The last person I knew who was looking at the USS Federation with a super fine tooth comb was Cleeve; note the 'neck support' for the third nacelle and the location of the port/starboard nacelles.

There was a full sized poster out in the 1980s with a listing of USS Federation and USS Ascension class DN registries. I Remember the USS Nikolayev but not the NCC number or exact class.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not complaining about what I consider minor deviations from the actual schematic. As always the model makers on this forum tend to improve on the FEDERATION ships they choose to make.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2003, 06:34:45 pm »
    Thanks for putting up the picture I greatly appreciate it. Gentlebeings Please draw your attention to the Secondary hull of the Federation class note that it is ever so slightly larger than the Enterprise. What this picture does not show is the 2 photon torp tubes aft.  You can just make out the outer edges of the tubes from the top view. Also please note the design of decks 2 and 3 on the Federation note that it looks wider and have a slightly different curvature to it from the top view. I hope that you have all enjoyed this views.
    Hey KF I have that poster I can Send you the names and registries of the ships Nikolayev was Acension Class 2534
Arbing & Lidde a great dreadnought Design firm   Keep up the great work Gentlebeings and thankyou so very much for sharing your work with us.  


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Re: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2003, 08:59:35 am »
*Props feet on desk*

Come on guys, give a corpse a real challenge

On a more serious note, I consider my Directorate model to be a later refit (hence the blue Ent-A warp colors) so technically speaking, she's not a 'true' Federation class. The one in my pic above though, is the real deal, I just need some time to put some finishing touches on 'er.  


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Re: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2003, 05:54:02 pm »


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Re: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2003, 06:47:11 pm »
Great Pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Been looking for this for months!!
But I have some dispute with the opinion of aft photon tubes in the ventral support's base.  I don't think that this place is feasable for aft tubes.
If I were skilled enough I would have the secondary hull elongated about 50-75%, placed the nacelle supports at a 20 or 30 degree angle, this would make the launching and landing of fighters and shuttles easier if it has fly through options and most importantly, eliminate the side blind spot. Further more I would have placed a single or doulbe tube(s) aft just under the shuttle bay doors.  Also the addition of a second impulse drive section would be done.
Since this is a Dreadnought vessel possibly the 5 phaser bank lay out of the Excelsior class would be in order also the emplacement of point defense phasers around the bridge and lower sensor dome.  Finally the four single phaser banks at the bottom of the secondary hull would be replaced by four sets of double banks in a tandem formation and the tractor beam housings around the deflector dish.  I would put one on each side of the bay doors just for the repelling of missiles or to do the ass end grab of a ship to bring 'em into the arcs of the PhG's and Phots.
But hey this is just me .   You guys are the artists.  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2003, 03:59:09 pm »

*Props feet on desk*

Come on guys, give a corpse a real challenge

On a more serious note, I consider my Directorate model to be a later refit (hence the blue Ent-A warp colors) so technically speaking, she's not a 'true' Federation class. The one in my pic above though, is the real deal, I just need some time to put some finishing touches on 'er.  

The only Thing I can think of is Ariel or Fredrikstad Class

or how about the fed dn adamant

the Menhaga Class Battlecruiser would be interesting

A mastercom Kirov  Class dn  would be  nice only a port side  sihoullette exists.

I do hope to see a finished Federation Class Dreadnought and after that  what you decide to do I'll be happy to look at and play with


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Re: TMP Constitution and TMP Federation Class Comparison pics
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2003, 05:22:28 pm »
My vote goes for the Ariel... i've always liked it and it seems to make sense in regards of a decent sized carrier......