Great Pic!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been looking for this for months!!
But I have some dispute with the opinion of aft photon tubes in the ventral support's base. I don't think that this place is feasable for aft tubes.
If I were skilled enough I would have the secondary hull elongated about 50-75%, placed the nacelle supports at a 20 or 30 degree angle, this would make the launching and landing of fighters and shuttles easier if it has fly through options and most importantly, eliminate the side blind spot. Further more I would have placed a single or doulbe tube(s) aft just under the shuttle bay doors. Also the addition of a second impulse drive section would be done.
Since this is a Dreadnought vessel possibly the 5 phaser bank lay out of the Excelsior class would be in order also the emplacement of point defense phasers around the bridge and lower sensor dome. Finally the four single phaser banks at the bottom of the secondary hull would be replaced by four sets of double banks in a tandem formation and the tractor beam housings around the deflector dish. I would put one on each side of the bay doors just for the repelling of missiles or to do the ass end grab of a ship to bring 'em into the arcs of the PhG's and Phots.
But hey this is just me

. You guys are the artists.