I am Rogue NineCH, and I finally admit it. I have become a LOTR fanatic. When I was a kid I used to poke fun at the kids who read LOTR, I called them names and took their books when they weren't looking(I wasn't a nice kid growing up). I decided to go see "The Fellowship of the Ring" because I was bored and had nothing else to do that night. I came out very impressed with movie but still not that big of a fan. Then "The Two Towers" came out, and I was blown away, but still not a huge fan of LOTR yet. The release of TTT on DVD finally won me over, I have watched that movie several times now, as well as the Extended Edition of FOTR. I even bought the $70 version with the two statues. Now I have watched the trailer fot "Return of the King" more times than I will ever admit to anyone. Last night my G/F was teasing me about watching those movies and the trailer so much and that's when I realized I am an LOTR fanatic. For some reason my G/F thinks it's cute, I guess it's true what they say when you're in love you see everything through rose colored glasses.