Thanks Kaenyne. I really like MajorRacal's design. Rod, that sounds like a good idea with the pod, as the hard points are located on the wingtips. Say what is it with you SFBer's and pods anyway? You guys are like pod people j/k
I bought a new vid card so I can now see light and damage maps rendered correctly. So just had to show off a pic with damage. This is the 1st damage map I have done for SFC3.
Note the glows around the nacels. Its very subtle. That is my personal preference with glows. Feel like they shouldn't stand out like a bright green ball. These can be easily adjusted in the .gf file simply by changing the alpha setting for each glow. Mine are set to 50. Most of them you see are left at the default 255. Thats why they are balls of light instead of diffuse highlighting.