Just wondering if its my video card or this is normal. When I turn on lightmaps in SFC3, many stcok ships are half black with lit windows, then part of the ship appears its normal color. The saber for example. While the Akira is enitirely blacked out with lit windows. So the Akira looks much better lit then the Saber. Just wondering if its the way my card reads them.
Because I found when doing them on my ships that it looks better not to black out the entire map except light sources, but instead to gamma correct the entire map at about 40-50%. If you want I can post a pic or 2 later to show. Just trying to get the best fit for everyones system for the Assim mod. Yes, it will be out eventually. It got delayed cause of what I thought were mesh problems was just my outdated puter not being able to render everything.
One more question-regarding updating to a better viedeo card, would I get any benefit by adding a mid level card like a GForce Ti 4600 into a computer with an AMD 800mhz processor?