Topic: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise  (Read 6947 times)

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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2003, 04:50:33 pm »
Hows this for a rough idea for a show.

StarTrek UFPMC Sepcial Ops

TMP era

The Team:
An elite commando team, used for sensitive operations such as Anti-Terrorist ops, Prisoner Extrication, VIP protection, Infiltrating enemy facilities etc. etc.

Our leader. A Captain in the UFPMC. Human. Very duty bound yet compassionate and independant. Model him similar to Captain John Miller from Private Ryan.

His Second in command. Gunnery Sgt. SoAndSo. Andorian, with the attitude and demeanor of  R. Lee Ermey (The Drill Sgt.
from Full Metal Jacket). Proficient in all forms of combat, and naturally gung ho. Loyal to the captain, almost to a fault.

The Colonol. The man upstairs. Just sits around on the ship and directs things from there. An officer and a gentleman, who has done his own share of fighting in his time. Made it to the top the hard way. Would handle things on a theater level.

Starfleet Captain. The guy commanding the boat they flew in on. VERY by the book. A clone of Capt. Estabon (U.S.S. Grissom). Prides himself on being a stiff neck pain in the ass. Never bent a regulation in his life. Clashes with the UFPMC officers, sees tham as mindless grunts who are a little on the barbaric side. A double edge sword. He can be a great asset with his punctuality, or a liability with his rigid stance against breakin Starfleet protocal.

Secondary Charactors:

A few specialist marines, the best of the best. Like the comm officer, sniper, pilot, medic, etc. etc. Would fill those support roles.

Some Shipboard ppl. Bartender, Landing bay officer, civilian specialists etc etc.

Filler roles:

Flight Crew
Starfleet crew

New Toys:

The Starship: A combat capable fast insertion troop carrier. Facilities for barricks, landing craft and equipment

The Landing Craft: A standard shuttle just wont do. This thing has to be baddass. Capable of carrying 12 Marines + Craft crew. Good atmospheric speed and manuverability, heavy mounted phaser cannons for strafing, side mounted medium phasers on manned turrets for LZ cover, small transporter pad, cloaking device for stealth insertions, ability to hover around a battlefield and lay down heavy fire.

New weapons: Standard hand phaser, phaser rifle, heavy pulse phaser (like a .30 cal machine gun), some bazooka and gernade style weapons.

Did I miss anything?

Who's with me?



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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2003, 05:13:33 pm »
Cool....'Starship Troopers' mixed with 'Aliens' and a healthy dose of 'Trek' !  

I like it ! ( 'Robocop' thug with the big 'state of the art bang-bang' )

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by I_Mudd »


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2003, 09:30:53 pm »

 I mean by this is how would it have been to be aboard the Constellation as it engaged the planet killer or be part of the Klingon occupation force on Organia or been part of the task force sent to engage Enterprise during the M-5 trials.

Heh YES!  StarTrek: Excalibur!  We know how that one ends in season 2 or 3....

<Dramatic Music from TOS>

*Ship shudders*

"Those were FULL PHASERS! Shields are out!"

*Ship Shudders again*

"Evasive Maneuvers! Break Formation!"

Flash to outside as a Connie rolls end over end, Phasers baring into it, the NCC-1705 gets seared off by a phaser beam, followed shortly afterwards by the USS Excalibur and then the main bridge gets blown apart.

*Fade to black*

And despite what the *Official* Star Trek Website says, there is too much pointing to the fact that the Enterprise was the first Constitution class sihp built, so why would every other ship have a lower hull number, the Constellation is a problem, but that doesnt mean the rest of them have to fly in the face of it. The *Official* site has it labeled as the NCC-1664 but if you look at all the other ships, according to the hull numbers it means that the Enterprise was actually the LAST Connie built, which contradicts what they say on the same site.  sheesh  

Edit:  A question regarding this incident, was there ever a SFB mention of the Excalibur being recovered?  Seriously if a US Aircraft Carrier was lost in a Wargame, the American Public would be PISSED.  Did one of the ships tow the dead Excalibur to a secret Star Dock and tell the dock master to get the ship running again?  And did the dock master look at the ship and say, hmm, she's a CA right now, but with all the work that needs to be done on her, why not upgrade her to a CC?  Which would also give her an official reason for being out of service for the time of the repairs.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2003, 09:52:27 pm by Lieutenant_Q »


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2003, 10:30:06 pm »

Perhaps a behind the curtins angle. 23rd century James Bond scenario. Following an agent of the FIA (Federation Intelligence Agency)......................I for one would enjoy such a series that follows either of these ideas and think it would inject new life into a franchise that seems to be fresh out of new ideas.  

Maybe a return of Gary Seven from Assignment: Earth.  


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #44 on: September 28, 2003, 10:46:07 pm »
I agree with the Star Trek: Excelsior idea. I was hoping they'd do that a long time ago, but then they did Voyager instead. Then they decided to have another series, but we got Enterprise instead. That period of time after Star Trek 6 is practically untapped. Of course we'd need some people in charge of the license who actually gave a damn about the fans and their ideas. How about anyone here who wins a mega-jackpot in a lottery buys the Trek franchise if it's big enough?  


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2003, 02:18:40 am »
Actually, you just plain can't go by registry numbers. They get re-used over and over. Look at the Enterprise itself. Every iteration has been 1701, with a letter extention. But it doesn't make all that much sense to use the letter extention, unless you happen to be making a TV show and helping the fans keep the iterations straight. So, The Enterprise could be the first production Constellation produced, but have a higher hull number, because the other ships had previous hulls commissioned before the first 1701 was. As for the Constellation herself... classes are typically named for the Prototype ship. But that's different than being the first production vessel. In fact, if I recall, the Constellation is 1700 and the Enterprise, being 1701, would naturally be the first ship commissioned right after her, and the first production vessel in the Constellation line.

It makes for a decent rationale, anyway.


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2003, 02:46:14 am »
koenig + excelsior = roxor
ambassador + ncc-1701-c = r0x0r 2


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2003, 05:20:00 am »
Ducttape Wonder, I really like your idea. It sounds really interesting and cool, and wouldn't be so annoyingly PC as other trek shows. Plus, I'd like to believe the Federation isn't inept when it comes to fighting ground battles(something yet to be proven), and this idea for a show would be a great chance to show that.  


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #48 on: September 29, 2003, 07:46:50 am »
your point on the Enterprise is correct, why would they keep the same registry number and just add a letter?  The Constellation was actually 1071 and the only other hull number to shown on screen in TOS.  I know the off-screen reason for having it, but it is really odd.  They orginally used the 1701 because the numbers would be easy to read from a distance, no 8, or 6, or any number that could be confused for something else if the Model wasn't focused right.  So when they made the model for the Constellation, they simply reversed the number, so that they too could be seen from a distance, why? I dont know, the registry numbers of the Constellation were only shown I think 2 or 3 times the entire episode before they threw the Constellation into the maw of the planet killer.  Yes there are inconsistancies, but largely hull numbers have always (look at wet navies today) indicated which ships are older and which ones are newer.  But TOS threw things out on a regular basis, so in all honesty, im up for a new TOS.  Continuity-wise, you really cant use anything said in TOS, cause a not unsubstantial portion of gets contradicted later in the series anyway.  


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #49 on: September 30, 2003, 09:36:04 pm »


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #50 on: October 01, 2003, 12:47:45 am »
Well, in my opinion, I think Star Trek is practically on lifesupport.  Apparently, I can't watch Enterprise even if I wanted too.  I guess the ratings are so bad, my local affiliate isn't running season 3 now, but I won't complain.  The show got worse and worse and I really didn't even consider the show Star Trek at all.  An alternate timeline at best.

As for a new series, I say wait several years until things calm down and some smarter people actually take over instead of beavis and Butthead.  But if you wanted to make a series fairly soon, I vote for TMP or this so called "lost era".  Most people here love the TMP era.  The ships look cool, the custums actually look futuristic, and the best part of all (thanks to the gread Star Trek Director Nic Meyer) serving in Star Fleet actually felt a little more Military and beleivable.  Not saying the Star Trek should be military, but I really find it kinda stupied seeing all these "Seven of nines" or "T'pols" in cat suits all the time.  Just doesn't seem beleivable.  It would be neat to have a show like this right after ST:VI on board the Excelcior, but I think he cast for that show might be getting a tad old to play a series (I forgot how old Takei is right now), maybe have the series based  10 years after ST6 where Sulu retires as admiral or something.  Or perhaps a whole new ship could be used, like a Centaur class ship, and we could see more ship designes based on Excelcior class components and such.  That would be really kinda neat.  

And best part of all, all this could easily be created by copying old bridge schmatics and sets from the TMP era.  I find it hard to beleive that it would not be easy to recreate a lot of this stuff based on TMP era SiFi art.  Heck, SFC did so well with its emphisis on TMP, maybe Paramont could win back a lot of its fans with a "Throw back era" series?  But if it was done, it MUST be based very closely on Star Trek Doctrine, otherwise what would be the point?

But as a safe move, I bet Paramont sets the time era after Voyager.  More then likely it could take place 20 years or more after Voyager (god, I hope they don't use those paja type uniforms you always see in Star Trek episodes of the future).  But I bet Paramount would wait 10 years before even attempting to continue on the series.

Clark Kent

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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2003, 01:36:13 pm »
I think I'd like to get a couple cents in here.  First of all, I like enterprise.  I don't love it, just like it, which is still more than I can say for most of the other stuff out there on TV right now.  I didn't like Voyager.  Still don't, but on occasion I'll be caught watching it cuz I'm bored.  It was way too PC, and I ended up disliking pretty much every character on it- especially Janeway and her outlandinsh favoritism to anyone that belonged to a special interest group.  She let the doctor get away with nearly killing everyone on the ship and disobeying her orders directly because he was a hollogram, she let the engineer get her job because she was rude, disobedient and just generally an unrelenting, moody bitch.  She let the first officer get away with anything he did, and even risk everyone's life for what might or might not be his baby, if it even really existed, but granted he was too weak of a character to try too much.  She let the borg damn near get away with murder because she was simply a hurt little girl that had been taken away from her family, but the helm guy got demoted and put in solitary confinement for adapting to her standards,adopting them as his own and trying to save an entire "world."  I really liked TNG, but the beginning few seasons really did suck.  But then, they were catering to the times, just like TOS did for their time, and BSG did for theirs.  
Enterprise is much like that- they are catering to the times, and trying to bring in fresh, new viewers.  True, a vulcan most likely would not be caught in a tight suit like that, and it is a contradiction to the Trek universe, but to be honest, I'm not complaining about getting to see her cleavage all the time.  I wish they'd to the same for Hoshi.  Anyone see that eppisode where Hoshi went through the venitlation system to let the weapons guy out of his room and lost her shirt?  BOOYAH!!!!!!  Where can I get uncensored outtakes of that?  I like the fact that the cast makes mistakes.  I don't like the ship- too big, too powerful, too advanced for the time.  COntrols et all are fine, but the phaser thingies seem a bit out of place, as is the transporter.  That was supposed to be something new in TOS, and here they have it decades before.  Nope, doesn't work for me.  I'm glad they don't use it that much.  No shields is a nice touch.  Don't like the revenge on the terrorist thing they have going on, but what you gonna do?  It's shameless, and poor taste, and uncreative, but I'm sure they are getting pressure from someone somewhere to do something tying it all in to the 9/11 attacks.  
Oh, BTW, anyone catch that one of these Xindi guys is a manitee type thing?  I thought that was cool.
New series?  Definately TMP, or shortly there after.  I say go with the Enterprise B and tell her stories.  Harriman (wasn't he in Ferris Bueller's day Off?) can be dumped if need be.  Just say he was there for Enterprise B's maiden voyage, or to run her through her paces before she was handed off to a more distinguished captain when she was put on active duty.  Been known to happen, and has even been established in the trek universe.
Ah yes, TMP (post first movie).  Excellent designs, all around.  They should be dusted off and used.  Great sets, use them.  The uniform idea.  TMP does something that I personally like very much.  Being in the military, I know full well about uniformity.  The army expects you to have your uniforms starched every day, so much so that they can nearly stand on their own.  The uniform of the day (everyday in fact)?  Battle Dress Uniform (BDU).  you know, those camiflauge uniforms you usually see reservists or guard guys in.  Starched up, they don't breath at all.  They hold in heat.  They absorb heat.  They are poorly designed.  They are expensive.  The boots suck- you need to get custom boots in order to be able to keep your feet in working order.  There is no diversity in unform, despite whatever need there may be, save for coveralls for mechanics, or pilots.  Uniformity is something I understand, but TMP took it to a new level.  Why should the security guys look the same as everyone else?  Give them some protective gear for god's sake.  Good thinking.  Why are the engineers in the same uniform as everyone esle?  Give them some gear suited to their needs.  I liked that alot, it made sense, looked good, and seemd to work well.  The characters could be a little more loose in that time frame, and be more themselves.  It wasn't all about PC, or obeying strict, poorly thought out orders.  They had some guts to them, and they didn't play the same kind of HS pass the brunette around to everyone type of BS.  Sure she had a cute face, but made that was one large, jiggly @$$.
Yep, That's what I'd like to see- Ent-B series.  Sulu is too old for this as a captain, and I'd rather see ENT-B, than his passed on to another captain.

Fire Blade

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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2003, 05:21:13 pm »
Yeah what i said


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2003, 07:09:51 pm »
Something that I didn't consider until I went to the book store Yesterday.  Star Trek: New Frontier!  Has anyone here read Peter David's work?  I think its the best new ST series I've ever seen.  Take three Guest Stars and put them into starring roles, and build around them.  Captain Calhoun is definately an atypical Starship captain, more akin to Kirk than any of the more modern PC captains.  Not only is his books interesting, but I actually laugh out loud to his novels.  And its not this dumb crap that they keep putting on these stupid Sitcoms and Reality TV shows.  In his recent book he has the ship's computer call the Captain, in front of everyone on the bridge, a Bastard.  The circumstances surrounding the whole incident are a bit long, but he never seems to run out of original ideas (although i was worried there for a bit, he hasnt put out a book in almost a year and left the ship and crew in a very suspenseful postion)  I know that Andromeda is supposed to be the "comedic Science-Fiction" but New Frontier has all that and the "Star Trek" name to it.  If casting wasn't such a problem (I doubt Paramount could get Elizabeth Denhey to reprise her role as Commander Shelby) I wouldnt be surprised if Enterprise was Paramount's fall back plan, well, actually I would, since Berman and Braga seem to be stuck in their own little world right now.  


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Re: OT poll.......Your vote and opinion on the future of the ST franchise
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2003, 08:26:58 pm »

Something that I didn't consider until I went to the book store Yesterday. Star Trek: New Frontier! Has anyone here read Peter David's work? I think its the best new ST series I've ever seen. Take three Guest Stars and put them into starring roles, and build around them. Captain Calhoun is definately an atypical Starship captain, more akin to Kirk than any of the more modern PC captains. Not only is his books interesting, but I actually laugh out loud to his novels. And its not this dumb crap that they keep putting on these stupid Sitcoms and Reality TV shows. In his recent book he has the ship's computer call the Captain, in front of everyone on the bridge, a Bastard. The circumstances surrounding the whole incident are a bit long, but he never seems to run out of original ideas (although i was worried there for a bit, he hasnt put out a book in almost a year and left the ship and crew in a very suspenseful postion) I know that Andromeda is supposed to be the "comedic Science-Fiction" but New Frontier has all that and the "Star Trek" name to it. If casting wasn't such a problem (I doubt Paramount could get Elizabeth Denhey to reprise her role as Commander Shelby) I wouldnt be surprised if Enterprise was Paramount's fall back plan, well, actually I would, since Berman and Braga seem to be stuck in their own little world right now.

Yes...yes. I've been reading New Frontier. In my opinion, a defining point of Star Trek is cleverly implemented sarcasm. NF has this in spades while still being quite believable. I particularly enjoy this series, more than even the DS9 relaunch, which is plausible material. Unfortunately, you're right about much as I'd love to see Denhey return to a role that she played so aptly or Ashley Judd's as the brilliant, but painfully jinxed Robin Lefler ten years older, that, particularly the latter, is at best, wishful thinking.

Nonetheless, it's a bit sad that Trek's novelists construct more enjoyable pieces than Berman. Talk about grounds for trading spaces...