Hi. My Name is Luc, and my Alias is FireSoul.. and I am a SFC geek.
My addiction, detailed:
- I've been playing SFB for over 12 years.
- I have most or all the official SFB material published since then.
- I signed up as a beta tester for the "Metaverse" release group, which became the Outer Circle testers. The 'metaverse' name was changed to "Dynaverse II" because the name was copyright for the Palladium RPG games.
- I played the SFC1 demo the very day it came out, and knew how to play immediately.
- I have been an active tester since then.. in fact, I still am quite active.
- I have done some good scripting for SFC:EAW and OP. Namely, I am the current maintainer for the coopace scripts as well as the EAW for OP single-player campaigns.
- I have my own shiplist mod: OP+ shiplist/mod.
- I made my own SFC models, because of this mod.
- My name appears in the SFC:OP readme TWICE, due to submitted scripting and shiplist fixes. (teehee)
So.. do I win a prize for being such a geek?
-- Luc
PS. I go to SFC LAN Parties almost weekly.. In fact, I bought a laptop over 2 years ago, because of all the travelling.