I am thinking of interesting swear words against Activision right now, (and they would be in Greek so I could write them here), but still, things being what they are...
It all comes down to money. Activision has them, I don't. So, whatever I could say at some point is pretty pointless, if I can't back it up with cash. In the end it is all about money. So, why Romero was allowed to make games? Yet his attitude sold to the game companies, the bravado he sold them was what was worth. Basically NOTHING! And thus, millions of wasted dollars later, some still don't get it.
The best WAY to evolve for OP right now would be the following...
OP 2, or GAW, with both Andros and Thols, BUT on a GRAND strategic scale, aka Federation+Empire. Grand strategy with the AI fleets being the little games you and me play today and every day.
I know this is probably just a well wish, but it could and would work. Think about it. They made a strategy game about running a banana island (tropico). It sold. Could not Grand scale strategy with ships that MEAN something sell? I don't know maybe I am missing something here, but it is too good a thing to let go of. That may be just me, but I feel that a Grand strategy OP 2 or GAW would sell like muffins.
But then every gaming company wants to find what makes Sims tick and sell, and will try anything to make it work.
In fact, I fully expect a First person SIMS game to come out. I mean, that is what the public truly wants. RIGHT?