Topic: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?  (Read 3882 times)

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How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« on: September 29, 2003, 04:05:02 pm »
I was just curious, since there seems to be a large anti-Starfleet Battles sentiment on this message board, how many of you have actually played it or know anything about it? What specifically do you like and dislike about it? (And if there's anyone who plays that lives in the Seattle area, let's get togther sometime)


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2003, 04:09:33 pm »
Never played but Im trying to find a place where I can aquire it, Ive looked in several stores in NYC but nothing, can anyone point me in the right direction????

adam out

PS I would like to play it before I judge it, unlike other people, I rather not comment unless I know for a fact what it really is.


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2003, 04:11:03 pm »
I tried to once. Found a group in my area that plays. When it took them
a week to agree on the map to play on, I decided that SFB probally wasn't
for me.



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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2003, 04:35:44 pm »
We used to play it in conjunction with FASA's rpg becuse we  liked FASA's character generation. The combat simulator in FASA was kind of weak ( Although the ships were cool...).  Now, there's a much more streamlined system that flows almost seamlessly with SFB produced by GURPS called  Prime Directive.

Unfortunately, Those days are as long gone as those guys are. Times changed and people changed. We all grew up in different directions and it wouldn't work out now.

Those were some good times, though. I think that's part of the reason I'm addicted to SFC.



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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2003, 04:43:39 pm »
I played it. I really liked it and then got a little bored with it but would play it again.

What I liked about it was the extensive rules that could be exploited. It was as close to a tactical starship engagement as could be had. I loved laying waste to my friends battlewagon of choice. Which I was well suited to as I adopted the Andromedans immediately. And when flying the common races fighters and pseudofighters were the ticket. And I found that giving the appearence of being a minor threat was always good. "Don't worry about me... I'm just a lone Hydran Ranger trying not to get scorched... Sucker!" Nothing like flying up the #4 shield on a Lyran that has just exchanged alpha strikes with someone else. They can side-slip but they can't hide. And you can see the question written in their face... "Those fusion canons aren't overloaded are they?" Answer - "We will determine that in a few impulses but you should be as worried about the fighter group rapidly closing on you. That nine fighter, gatling armed fighter group." This won't hurt at all.

What you could do is name a BPV range and develop a massive fleet. Flying a 50 capital ship war was not uncommon. And we would plot and threaten for days in advance, which was way fun. Lesson learned... fear the proximity torp in fleet engagements. You will die. A calculator was a common tool in SFB. When the nunbers looked good you made decisions.

What I didn't like was the hex map and plotted movement. The punctuated turns bugged me and remembering if you had side-slipped last impulse or not. That and the battles tended to go for 2 or as long as 5 hours. Have you ever had to move about 100 markers 10 hexes to keep everything on the floating map? And some one always bumped the table and caused a temporal shift in the continuim. A random reordering of the field of play. Yikes! Those pesky Organions!    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2003, 04:58:48 pm »
I started playing oh  1988 or so,once I learned the rules I had a blast we had a  group of three  or  four of us that were close friends so  rule wrangling wasn't an issue.Since then  we  all basically moved on,  jobs, kids  etc. But thats  where  SFC  came in an  filled  a  void.  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2003, 04:59:58 pm »
I played it fairly extensively for about 10 years (1982-1992) but haven't really played it since then since I no longer no anyone locally still playing it, I no longer have easy access to my SFB materials and I simply don't have the time (since most of my free time goes to playing SFC2...   )



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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2003, 05:09:05 pm »

I'm not sure what stores there are around there that might carry SFB stuff. You might try asking around at any gaming stores to see if anyone knows where you might find it. Also, they have a website you can order from:


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2003, 05:40:21 pm »
Started in the late 70's went till the late 80's.  The only thing I found tiresome was the time between turns when one team did it's planning then the other.  We finally adopted the little sand filled hour-(more like 5 minute)-glass from some board game to limit the strategy time spent over the actual map.  We had to beat a couple people over the head with the fact that it's a game not rocket science.  Then we speeded it up even further when a couple of us who had been DM's took over the game moderating duties.  I knew most of the rules at that time and tried to come up with some suprise that the Romulans could spring every weekend but when it gets down to it I was more fascinated with the miniatures and what I could do with painting and modifying them.

My SFB background is the only reason SFC interested me.  First and only space based game I bought and still play on occasion.  I do have BC but that is for moddeling purposes.  Bought it, teamed up with and the rest is history.
It's very cool that you are going thru the races with new models.  I started it and have a number of rebuilt meshes but sadly realized I didn't have the time anymore.  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2003, 05:55:57 pm »
Don't worry Adnuril, I'll carry on the dream.

Well, as for myself, I don't have the extensive background with SFB that many of you guys have. I've been playing for about 3 years now, and I get together regularly with friends to play. I found the game system fascinating from day one, and I love how at any given moment you have a staggering plethora of options in how to handle a stiuation. I also love the variety of the races. There are so many races to play as, and they are all unique in some way. Not just weapons, but each race's ships have many qualities and rich subtleties that affect the gameplay and add to racial flavor. I'm also a fan of the universe, which has great internal consistency and is very well fleshed-out. I plan to remain a SFB player for years to come.

Captain KoraH

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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2003, 06:25:14 pm »
Never played it. When I noticed the rules were even bigger than advanced squad leader, I decided it wasn't for me.  

Captain Ron

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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2003, 06:26:46 pm »
Use to play it with a group of friends for years but it just takes to long to play now.


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2003, 07:29:01 pm »
I play and Love SFB!!!  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2003, 07:31:09 pm »
I havent had a chance to play it yet :/
...every board game really goes into me head, for example, warhammer fan here  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2003, 07:32:42 pm »
I've never played SFB; played FASA though.  After FASA started to evaporate, I picked up an SFB box then quickly dropped it after I'd glanced through the ships (UGLY!).  Some folk found FASA rather limted, which is why my friends and I rewrote most of the rules, introduced new empires and technology  and expanded the possibilities to suit ourselves.



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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2003, 07:32:58 pm »
I love Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic!!!!!  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2003, 08:47:36 pm »
Oh yes I have  spent  close to  1000.00 Dollars on warhammer models.I have a nice Dwarven army.I'm currently waiting for this...  Warhammer Online   Oh yeah baby oh yeah...    


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2003, 08:55:33 pm »
Played it still play it from time to time. Started with the first book then the ziplock expantions. then the commanders and finaly captains rules.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2003, 10:11:18 pm »
Sounds like Khalee and I started playing SFB around the same time.  I fondly remember the ziplock baggies that later turned into a 3" rule binder  I played off and on until about 1988 when I left my college SFB group.  Energy Allocation was the biggest time consumer for us.

Rogue NineCH

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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2003, 10:38:28 pm »
I played for a few years, then my fellow players moved away or got bored with it.  I must say though I don't think I would play it again, too much record keeping.  I also played Federation&Empire as well, but lost interest for the same reasons.

Rod O'neal

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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2003, 10:47:23 pm »
I used to play it a lot. I too prefered Andro. Orion was my 2nd choice, then Klingon. I never wanted to be the good guy, I guess?
Same problem here as most of you have, no one to play with anymore. I don't feel like hanging out on Saturdays, etc. at a comic book/game store trying to pick up a game with someone. I wish I lived in Seattle though. We could play then, Desty  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2003, 12:23:55 am »
I gave it a looking over, but as much as I like to read about and discuss tiny little technical details and stuff like that, I can't stand playing a game that takes so much micromanaging. I'd rather spend my time figuring out how to best get my phasers pointed at an opponent without getting shot back than spending it making sure I have my powerplant output finely tuned and balanced.  I want to be a captain, not a friggin' whole bridge crew. Point the guns, say shoot, and let the lackies work out how to make it actually happen. Spend my time on complex tactical considerations.

Also, i flipped through, and there wasn't much there that said 'Star Trek' to me, despite that nominally being the universe it's kind-of-based in. Big turn off. B5 Wars, from what I've seen, at least lets you feel like it's a part of the show one so deeply loves.

One of the reasons I also prefer SFC3 over the earlier games.


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2003, 05:57:09 am »

I used to play it a lot. I too prefered Andro. Orion was my 2nd choice, then Klingon. I never wanted to be the good guy, I guess?

I would have enjoyed playing Andy with you. Andy had an answer for everything but the stasis device. It was best to fly the Andromedans as a defensive strategy lest someone fly them against you. Before the Andromedans came into being I flew Gorn. Plasma torps, a good phaser suite and no expensive cloaking device. When the Intruder and the Dominator came out it was the beginning of the end. You already know all the reasons why.  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2003, 06:29:30 am »
SFB takes too long to play, the only usefulness you can get out of it after playing SFC is that it helps you to understand SFC better.  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2003, 11:23:24 am »
Our group has been running the same GW scenario for about two years running, now.  We use a modified version of the rules based on the Battletech turn-system vice the 32 impulse system.  Turns go much faster, and it's not so hard to support large-scale battles.

James Formo

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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2003, 11:35:50 am »

I was just curious, since there seems to be a large anti-Starfleet Battles sentiment on this message board, how many of you have actually played it or know anything about it? What specifically do you like and dislike about it? (And if there's anyone who plays that lives in the Seattle area, let's get togther sometime)  

Interesting. I was thinking just the opposite. I think there is more animosusity expressed towards the TNG era. I read many threads all the time bashing the TNG era  ship designs.  To be honest I never played SFB. Only because I never heard about it. Also I grew up on TOS. I used to rush home from grade school to see it. Before it was even reruns. But TNG is now my favorite era. I think it was geared to older audiences though as it explores moral issues more. I will say there are things I did not care for, like the Q character, I found rather annoying and overused. Did'nt like the uniforms used early on and some other stuff.

Nannerslug just put out a mod for SFC3 for TNG era ships and I think myself, Grave, and Chris Jones were the only ones to post in the thread. Desty I notice your SFB mod had many more hits. I think that points out the popularity of SFB era.



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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2003, 03:15:28 pm »
I guess you have a point, James Formo. It always seemed like whenever I or anyone else mentioned SFB, there are a bunch of people that say things along the lines of "don't care for SFB, the ship designs are ugly" It also seemed to me like people were doing 95% TMP and TNG models on this board, hardly ever TOS stuff. But the response this thread has garnered has changed my mind on this issue.


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2003, 03:57:59 pm »
James that my be  due to the  fact that is was Nanner who posted, there seems to be a faction of people who are anti-Nanner.Ever since the  "magic-photon" debacle some people have an honest  dislike for the  guy.Bty I have his mod and thinks its  great.   I just have a hard time  getting used to  sfc3's combat mechanics.  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2003, 04:41:55 pm »
I have a ton of SFB crap laying around here.  A boatload of minis, the entire collection of Nexus magazines, the old stuff, new stuff, lol....

The rulebook is HUGE, and very daunting at first appearance, but it's not as bad as it seems.  Granted, it is very complex, but if you are used to any of the historical wargames, it's pretty easy to pick up.  The intro books they put out really helped introduce people to the game.

But it's here, along with all my medival european figures, samurai, and WWII figs.  Not to mention the gazillions of warhammer figs I have yet to finish painting.

Gee, I wonder why I'm broke....  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2003, 04:45:40 pm »
Wolf 2525: Do you still play SFB, just out of curiousity?

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2003, 06:22:45 pm »
Started playing in the mid 80's.  Still play it about once or twice a year with old friends.  Don't have the time I used to now that I've got a wife and kids.  That's why I love SFC.  SFC finally brought my favorite game to computer which gives me more opportunities to get my SFB fix.

It's too bad Activision ended the party.  I'm hoping they will go bankrupt and Paramount will give the Trek liscence to someone willing to finish the SFB based SFC series with a Galaxies at War type game.  Hopefully something good will happen in time.  


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Re: How many of you have played Starfleet Battles?
« Reply #31 on: September 30, 2003, 09:16:16 pm »
I haven't played in an incredibly long time.  In fact, I hardly remember half the rules.  Mostly because everyone that played has moved away a long time ago.