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Cloak: How Does Damaging Sensors Affect It?

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I was detected at ranges between 130 and  150,  with a lvl 5 cloak and legendary crew,  3 times by the same borg,  while at speed 15 .  

Please see my recommended fixes that should be patched in ASAP.
Cloak Fix Recommendation  

Hi Tulmahk,

Just want to say this is a really good thought, I was thinking along these lines recently.  

While I'm not sure if damaged sensors effect ones ability to detect cloak, I do think that a ships science officer is connected to the sensor sub system.  Thus if you aim for that sub system there is a good chance you will injure and put the ships science officer out of the fight.  With him out your opponent should have a much harder time locating you cloaked.

A good tactic I employ is stay behind the ship and wait for the player to jump to warp, they do this often if your cloaked for a while.  When you hear the sound of their engines preparing to warp, drop cloak and fire a full volley at their sensor subsystem to put their science officer out of the fight early on.

Mind you this works for Romulans best as they can hit ships in warp compared to Klingons.  

Nephlite Z`Ress  


Please see my recommended fixes that should be patched in ASAP.
Cloak Fix Recommendation    

--- End quote ---

I took a look at your ideas Firestorm, and I think you have some great ones there.

I'm just trying to deal with the current cloak situation.  



A good tactic I employ is stay behind the ship and wait for the player to jump to warp, they do this often if your cloaked for a while.  When you hear the sound of their engines preparing to warp, drop cloak and fire a full volley at their sensor subsystem to put their science officer out of the fight early on.

--- End quote ---

I think I'll add this to my current arsenal of cloak tactics.  Your idea to do that is excellent, I think.  Kill the Blue Shirts!  

Your experience in using this tactic is tending to confirm my suspicion that attacking sensors is a good idea for cloakers.  I think I've been haveing slightly above normal success with the cloak ever since I started keeping my speed down while under it (tests by others at these fora discovered an association between being detected and speed, escpecially warping under cloak).  


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