This month marks the 4 year anniversary of my love for Starfleet Command. And to celebrate, I just want to revisit how we first met.
I was running the Recieving office for Prevo's Familly Market in Cascade Michigan, when the latest shipment for our newsstand came in. While checking over the shipment, I noticed something that caught my eye: A PC magazine that had in big letters near its spine, 80 Tips and Tricks for Windows. I looked at that and thought, wow, maybe I can get my computer to run for more than 5 hours without crashing. I set one of the magazines aside and went back to sorting through them. At the end of the day, I took my magazine through the checkout line and headed home. At home I sat down on the couch and started flipping through the magazine, when a CD fell out of the middle of the magazine and into my lap. The CD: 8 Demos on 1 CD. I started looking through the list, the only one on that disk that even held any interest for me, was Star Trek: Starfleet Command. Immediately I threw the magazine aside and placed the CD into my computer, within 20 minutes I had the demo installed and ready to go. At that point in time, I had only a passing knowledge of Starfleet Battles, I saw it on the shelf everytime I went into the gaming store, picked it up and thumbed through a couple of pages several times, but each time, I didn't buy it. Not because it didn't interest me, but because I could never find someone who wanted to give it a try with me. The first time playing the Demo, I didnt even bother going through the tutorials first, I just wanted to get in and blow something up. I figured, its a Star Trek Game, how much different from the 25th Anniversary could it be? The first skirmish I played I set it to Captain level, and was in a F-CA vs a K-D6, i figured intuitively how to shoot and how to raise shields, but I never figured out how to turn the ship, I looked up at the upper left corner and said, that must be how I steer the ship. Well after clicking it twice and breaking down on the second HET I said to myself, uh maybe I better do the tutorials. After doing the Tutorials I finally figured out how to fly the ship, and blew through all three difficulties on the demo, for both sides. After I was done, I just had to get the full game, So being as close as it was to christmas, and being that it hadn't been released yet, I put it on my Christmas list.
Christmas day I opened the box up, pulled out the instruction book and thought...I've got TEXT BOOKS that were smaller than this. After my first run in with the demo, I decided that reading the entire book was a must before even trying to play it. So on the 26th of December, I plugged the SFC CD into the drive, and have had years of fun ever since. Unfortunately even after getting my friends to purchase SFC, I still couldn't get the interest in any of them to get Starfleet Battles, a year later I heard that Interplay was releasing SFC2:EAW, once again, a christmas time release, so on the List it goes. Empires at War did not dissapoint me in the least, once again another game that I could enjoy, but alas, still could not get enough people willing to give SFB a shot.

When Interplay announced that they were releasing Orion Pirates, I balked, an Expansion? what could they add to the game to make it any better than it already is? For once in 4 years, Starfleet Command was not on my christmas list that year.
While I was still enjoying EAW, I had not heard anything from Interplay about releasing another SFC, it was only while checking for a current patch for EAW did I stumble upon news of a Starfleet Command 3. Only Interplay wasn't releasing it, the hated Activision was. That made me balk a second time. I have hated Activision since they released that god-awful excuse for a game MechWarrior 2:Mercs. While certainly the most stable of the MechWarrior Series, I had in me a passion about BattleTech that rivals some of you SFBer's passion for Starfleet Battles. I had never forgiven Activision for that game and had made sure that I never bought another Activision title again. Fortunately, or unfortunately, my love for the SFC series had won out and Starfleet Command 3 was on the List. Now once again, my hatred for Activision has been vindicated, and enhanced, as they are now dragging my favorite series down with them, I can look beyond what's happening with the SFC series and place the blame solely on Activision, but there are others who can't and see Taldren as the responsible party.
As I look into the near future, I see a patch eventually coming out, not a final patch yet, but once Paramount crushes Activision, Taldren will be free to do as they please with the SFC3 patching. A few years down the road, I do see SFC making a comeback, as what? who can really say now. But this year, Starfleet Command is again on my Christmas list, as I am going to make up for almost 2 years of denial, and going to get Orion Pirates.