Topic: place for sfc3?  (Read 1259 times)

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place for sfc3?
« on: September 28, 2003, 10:33:44 am »  forums are generally dead...  any other place in mind? :/


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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2003, 10:36:27 am »
SFC3 Whats that? <snicker>


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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2003, 10:40:30 am »

Captain Ron

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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2003, 11:07:32 am »
With Atra on that one.

When you started this thread I thought it was the going to be about the place I store my SFC 3 game which pretty much would have been the round filing cabnet. It would have been but I gave it a to friend who once done, gave it to a friend etc. No one I know outside these forums plays it for long, they all go back to OP or SFC 1.


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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2003, 11:45:46 am »
if you would speak my mind right now it propably start a flame war or get banned for it .




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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2003, 12:15:39 pm »
Sorry Mackie, but I havnt got a clue where anything on it is...


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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2003, 05:47:05 pm »
well, when Battleclinic comes back....

Most of the SFC stuff over there is TNZ, but as it's SFC3, there's plenty of people that will talk SFC3 specifics. There's even a forum for non-TNZ-specific SFC3. Right now, the site's still being rebuilt after a move of hosts, but I find it a great place to talk with like-minded SFC3 fans.

And I am an unabashed SFC3 fan. I like trek more than SFB, and SFC3's a bit closer to being a trek game than the rest of the series, so it's where my interest lies.

James Formo

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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2003, 12:10:35 pm »
I will try battleclinic then when its up. has forums also, but they appear dead to. Interesting because a lot of people are downloading files still, but I guess they don't want to talk about the game.

Whats interesting is just 6 months ago people were bashing OP, now they bash SFC3. It probalbly won't happen because of the political climate with Activision. I believe if it was totally up to Taldren, that they would continue to tweak and improve SFC3 as they did both SFC1 and SFC2 until it was as involved game play wise as the previous versions were.

I also believe that because the unpatched version was such a fiasco that many just got frustrated and moved on. OP wouldn't be what it is without the custom missions made by forum members. I had heard that SFC3 only had 2 missions in conquest. This is not true. The other missions appear in certain situations. There still are about 8 listed in conquest out of the box, including the convoy attack. Then Capt Korah and Pelican hace done custom ones, some of which may be specific to there mods. But a few can be used in the stock game and have everyship selectable rathere then just the pirate and ferengi for the scan mission.

I am working on SFC3 mods that will make the game more visually appealing. I just wish that if people don't like it, they could just focus on there OP and not take everychance they get to bash SFC3.



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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2003, 12:23:20 pm »
Hello Mate,

speaking your mind on this one 'tis fair game indeed,


if you would speak my mind right now it propably start a flame war or get banned for it .



Atrahasis and the SkinMan had it out over there,
the flame-war actually started over here at Taldren,
and then Atrahasis took it over to SFC III,

   The thing that touched the "whole ball of wax" off was,

(i)  TheSkinMan (rightly so) won the SFC Modelling contest, with his IKS K'Vorcha,
(ii) Atrahasis then made snide remark about the back of "K'Vorcha having bumps on its back",

The whole thing got outta hand,
over here and over there at SFC III,

after everything got burned down,
then instituted new Moderators over at SFC III,

unfortunately ever since then,
the place has been "very quiet",

I still post there,
and I intend to keep on posting there,

(BTW, In my opinion TheSkinMan was totally justified, and just defending himself),

Edit 1:

My personal favourite part in the Atrahasis/TheSkinMan IKS K'Vorcha flame-war,
occured when Atrahasis' rank at SFC III got changed to TROLL,
Honestly, Atrahasis deserved "that one" big time,

Take care,
Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: place for sfc3?
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2003, 01:15:48 pm »
SFC3's my favourite.  I can't be annoyed with overly convoluted gameplay - and don't see any reason why I should.  You've got to remember, no starship is piloted by 1 person - it takes a complete crew, where each member is relied upon to perform their own roles without over the shoulder supervision from a central figure  except  in exceptional circumstances - just like in any job really; why would a player want to be all those things?  Makes no sense to me.
