Hello Stormbringer,
some of the film clips they inserted were low budget,
(i) the Missiles firing from the Pegasus Battlestar as it Kamakazed into two Cylon Basestars,
(ii) the 1970s' vintage missiles being lauched by the "Eastern Alliance",
(iii) the footage of the Apollo bouster section coming off,
they were low budget inserts,
Why were they put in?
the Old Battlestar Galactica show cost about one million per episode to make,
the show still had very high ratings,
but the TV network was not satisified with the
profit , yes
that is was making so it canceled it,
The original series battle special effects we so low budget that they were just laughable. Particularly the missile barrages from the BSG herself. I would have thought they could have spliced something together from military footage. Say a test shot from a SLBM silo edited onto the front end of a long shot from white sands or the cape with the part from the flight having an animated background followed by a test range missile hit on a steel target. Instead they merely scratched and stained the film to produce bright streaks barely distinguishable from the laser effects.