Topic: Attention Taldren!  (Read 2806 times)

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Attention Taldren!
« on: October 02, 2003, 01:16:19 am »
You have included the game .exe in the server kit package.  This will cause CRC problems, fix this right away!  


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Re: Attention Taldren! *DELETED*
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2003, 03:30:42 am »
Post deleted by David Ferrell
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2003, 05:31:21 am »

You have included the game .exe in the server kit package.  This will cause CRC problems, fix this right away!  

that's easily fixed with a copy&paste of the "exe" from whatever version of the game you're using.

Jerry the duh guy for letting that get by....  


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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2003, 06:12:53 am »

Ummm, just how hard is it to copy and paste to allow the exe to replace the incorrect one?

last time I checked, it took about 10 seconds to do it on my system.. finding SFC OP copying the StarfleetOP.exe, right click copy.. find the StarfleetOP.exe in my server kit, right click in blank area and select paste.. then click OK to overwrite..

wha-la.. fixed

that was really hard... then all you have to do is zip it up with the server kit original name and replace it on your web site mirror.. or email the mirror where you Dl'd it from and ask them to do what you just did...

not really that hard afterall... Nothing worth making a demand of Taldren who is releasing a patch after officially stating that OP was done.... talk about gratitude... especially after David Ferrell is taking his personal time to make and release patches on Taldren's behalf, especially during his free time.

Talk about ingrates... just use some common sense... if the EXE doesn't match, then use the exe in game and replace the one in the server kit.... simple fix.. not a show stopper...


It might be obvious to you but, it might not be to others.  I am merely pointing this out. Where do you get off that I am not grateful for the release of this patch? (Perhaps it was the way I worded it....)

You call me an ingrate as well.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything at all.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by DarkElf »

David Ferrell

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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2003, 09:33:15 am »
My bad, it was brought to my attention and I never got it fixed.

I'll try and remedy it on Friday (my next trip to Talren HQ).




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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2003, 09:40:08 am »
With everything going on in your life right now, Dave... I don't think it's a big deal...

Pestanlance, chill man. Dark Elf was just letting Dave know - no need for knee jerk reactions



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2003, 01:43:41 pm »


Ummm, just how hard is it to copy and paste to allow the exe to replace the incorrect one?

last time I checked, it took about 10 seconds to do it on my system.. finding SFC OP copying the StarfleetOP.exe, right click copy.. find the StarfleetOP.exe in my server kit, right click in blank area and select paste.. then click OK to overwrite..

wha-la.. fixed

that was really hard... then all you have to do is zip it up with the server kit original name and replace it on your web site mirror.. or email the mirror where you Dl'd it from and ask them to do what you just did...

not really that hard afterall... Nothing worth making a demand of Taldren who is releasing a patch after officially stating that OP was done.... talk about gratitude... especially after David Ferrell is taking his personal time to make and release patches on Taldren's behalf, especially during his free time.

Talk about ingrates... just use some common sense... if the EXE doesn't match, then use the exe in game and replace the one in the server kit.... simple fix.. not a show stopper...


It might be obvious to you but, it might not be to others.  I am merely pointing this out. Where do you get off that I am not grateful for the release of this patch? (Perhaps it was the way I worded it....)

You call me an ingrate as well.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything at all.



You just keep on letting us know things. The more eyes the merrier I always say...



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2003, 05:54:27 pm »

My bad, it was brought to my attention and I never got it fixed.

I'll try and remedy it on Friday (my next trip to Talren HQ).



Until then admins can DL the stand alone exe file from here:

I will update the server kit on SFCx asap.



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2003, 12:27:07 am »
Dark Elf,

i sincerely appologize for snapping off above.. it is just that it seems that almost every time a patch is released, the first things posted after the thank you's in the release thread.. the other threads seem to down play the patch, declairing broken items, and/or demanding something of Taldren..

It was the wording and the exclmation marks that came across demanding to me in your posting... and given the past history or patches, and the fact that David did this out of the kindness of his heart even after OP was been officially closed 2 patches ago, then reading this posting after working 22 hours streight at my RW job.. I did come across harsh....

I hope that we both learn something here... Me to take a nap and get into a more "User Friendly" state of mind, and hopefully you could re-phrase statements like your first posting to be a bit more subtle...

Thanks for pointing out the problem in the server kit.. it did need pointing out.. i just took your statement in the first posting the wrong way..

I appologize.



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2003, 01:30:52 am »
Nice post Pestalence...nuff said



  • Guest
Attention Taldren!
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2003, 01:16:19 am »
You have included the game .exe in the server kit package.  This will cause CRC problems, fix this right away!  


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Re: Attention Taldren! *DELETED*
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2003, 03:30:42 am »
Post deleted by David Ferrell
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2003, 05:31:21 am »

You have included the game .exe in the server kit package.  This will cause CRC problems, fix this right away!  

that's easily fixed with a copy&paste of the "exe" from whatever version of the game you're using.

Jerry the duh guy for letting that get by....  


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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2003, 06:12:53 am »

Ummm, just how hard is it to copy and paste to allow the exe to replace the incorrect one?

last time I checked, it took about 10 seconds to do it on my system.. finding SFC OP copying the StarfleetOP.exe, right click copy.. find the StarfleetOP.exe in my server kit, right click in blank area and select paste.. then click OK to overwrite..

wha-la.. fixed

that was really hard... then all you have to do is zip it up with the server kit original name and replace it on your web site mirror.. or email the mirror where you Dl'd it from and ask them to do what you just did...

not really that hard afterall... Nothing worth making a demand of Taldren who is releasing a patch after officially stating that OP was done.... talk about gratitude... especially after David Ferrell is taking his personal time to make and release patches on Taldren's behalf, especially during his free time.

Talk about ingrates... just use some common sense... if the EXE doesn't match, then use the exe in game and replace the one in the server kit.... simple fix.. not a show stopper...


It might be obvious to you but, it might not be to others.  I am merely pointing this out. Where do you get off that I am not grateful for the release of this patch? (Perhaps it was the way I worded it....)

You call me an ingrate as well.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything at all.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by DarkElf »

David Ferrell

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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2003, 09:33:15 am »
My bad, it was brought to my attention and I never got it fixed.

I'll try and remedy it on Friday (my next trip to Talren HQ).




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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2003, 09:40:08 am »
With everything going on in your life right now, Dave... I don't think it's a big deal...

Pestanlance, chill man. Dark Elf was just letting Dave know - no need for knee jerk reactions



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2003, 01:43:41 pm »


Ummm, just how hard is it to copy and paste to allow the exe to replace the incorrect one?

last time I checked, it took about 10 seconds to do it on my system.. finding SFC OP copying the StarfleetOP.exe, right click copy.. find the StarfleetOP.exe in my server kit, right click in blank area and select paste.. then click OK to overwrite..

wha-la.. fixed

that was really hard... then all you have to do is zip it up with the server kit original name and replace it on your web site mirror.. or email the mirror where you Dl'd it from and ask them to do what you just did...

not really that hard afterall... Nothing worth making a demand of Taldren who is releasing a patch after officially stating that OP was done.... talk about gratitude... especially after David Ferrell is taking his personal time to make and release patches on Taldren's behalf, especially during his free time.

Talk about ingrates... just use some common sense... if the EXE doesn't match, then use the exe in game and replace the one in the server kit.... simple fix.. not a show stopper...


It might be obvious to you but, it might not be to others.  I am merely pointing this out. Where do you get off that I am not grateful for the release of this patch? (Perhaps it was the way I worded it....)

You call me an ingrate as well.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything at all.



You just keep on letting us know things. The more eyes the merrier I always say...



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2003, 05:54:27 pm »

My bad, it was brought to my attention and I never got it fixed.

I'll try and remedy it on Friday (my next trip to Talren HQ).



Until then admins can DL the stand alone exe file from here:

I will update the server kit on SFCx asap.



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2003, 12:27:07 am »
Dark Elf,

i sincerely appologize for snapping off above.. it is just that it seems that almost every time a patch is released, the first things posted after the thank you's in the release thread.. the other threads seem to down play the patch, declairing broken items, and/or demanding something of Taldren..

It was the wording and the exclmation marks that came across demanding to me in your posting... and given the past history or patches, and the fact that David did this out of the kindness of his heart even after OP was been officially closed 2 patches ago, then reading this posting after working 22 hours streight at my RW job.. I did come across harsh....

I hope that we both learn something here... Me to take a nap and get into a more "User Friendly" state of mind, and hopefully you could re-phrase statements like your first posting to be a bit more subtle...

Thanks for pointing out the problem in the server kit.. it did need pointing out.. i just took your statement in the first posting the wrong way..

I appologize.



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Re: Attention Taldren!
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2003, 01:30:52 am »
Nice post Pestalence...nuff said
