Guys, the quality isn't that low. You should really play some OTHER massively multiplayer games.
Yes, the dynaverse is massively multiplayer. It may not be an RPG, but it runs into all of the same problems of having large numbers of people constantly connecting and disconnecting. Shadowbane? Please, on release it was SIGNIFICANTLY worse than SFC3, and while I appreciate the steady flow of patches, its still relatively buggy, as is SFC3, because of the enormous challenges of this genre.
It's pretty well impossible to code a program that won't have ANY bugs on release, guys. Taldren's done a bang-up job and produced a game a large number of people are still playing a year after release. Yes, I realise that that part is due largely to the modders, but why mod a game unless its good to begin with?
Let up. There;s nothing else they could realistically have done.