Alright large update complete you now have 14 ships available.
7 in the 4fun section
Batman CA
FedEx CA
FedEx Excelsior
Mystry Machine CA
Scooby Doo CA
UPS Excelsior
7 in the Federation Section
Presidential CA
Blue Ironcross
Blue Ironcross CV
Blue Constitution II
Blue Belknap
Blue Rosa
And registry packs being made, along with a Blue Excelsior, Blue CA based on P81s, DN+ based on P81s and Mirror Universe ships in the works. So at this rate i will need a larger host in a about a a month.
Things that will never be released but are finished
Excelsior in Green and Yellow
Ironcross in Green and Yellow
Constitution II in Green (and various other styles)
All these are availble thatnks to Mackie at his site