Topic: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1  (Read 34286 times)

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2003, 09:34:37 am »

Actually for a truer SFB answer I think you have to go to the text mentioning that the Star Cruiser matches up well against other races BCH's that'd be the CAZ and not the CCZ.  the CAZ has 40 power right??  Maybe thats the reason the BCV only has 40 power.  It's based off of the CA and not the CC which in SFB was considered a pocket DN

And yes I know this isn't SFB and it doesn't apply here.  I'm just a historian trying the give you some information.  I'm not saying it's right or it should be this way in sfc cause its like that in sfb.  I'm just passing along information for those that may not know it.  And no I don't want everything to be just like sfb.  

That wouldn't explain the Mirak. Look I know the SFB answer, but combat effectiveness just doesn't translate all that well in SFC because many of the support mechanisms in SFB just are not there. If that is the answer then so be it, but it still does not make it relevant to SFC as you pointed out. I am begining to see the wisdom in many of Taldren's decisions concerning transfers of problematic races to SFC. It makes me very curious to see what an actual SFC Andromedan would have been like.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2003, 10:25:58 am »


Actually for a truer SFB answer I think you have to go to the text mentioning that the Star Cruiser matches up well against other races BCH's that'd be the CAZ and not the CCZ.  the CAZ has 40 power right??  Maybe thats the reason the BCV only has 40 power.  It's based off of the CA and not the CC which in SFB was considered a pocket DN

And yes I know this isn't SFB and it doesn't apply here.  I'm just a historian trying the give you some information.  I'm not saying it's right or it should be this way in sfc cause its like that in sfb.  I'm just passing along information for those that may not know it.  And no I don't want everything to be just like sfb.  

That wouldn't explain the Mirak. Look I know the SFB answer, but combat effectiveness just doesn't translate all that well in SFC because many of the support mechanisms in SFB just are not there. If that is the answer then so be it, but it still does not make it relevant to SFC as you pointed out. I am begining to see the wisdom in many of Taldren's decisions concerning transfers of problematic races to SFC. It makes me very curious to see what an actual SFC Andromedan would have been like.  

You are correct, and this is why a pure SFB list is a little imbalanced.  Somthing to keep in mind with the pure SFB approach is that SFB was created with a historacl perspective in mind.  Kzinti didn't fight romulans that much and Lyrans didn't see too many Gorns.  So a lot of the east vs west problems crop up more often in SFC play since we don't normally play the historical matchups anymore.  And while the ISC did fight everyone they fought against a bunch of war worn fleets that really weren't up to the task.

And Yeah, the taldren Andys would have been interesting along with the Tholians.  Oh well.  


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #62 on: November 01, 2003, 03:15:59 pm »
Bookkeeping, F-NAL plasma arcs are FA, should be FH (FP equiv.)


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #63 on: November 04, 2003, 03:08:27 pm »
I'm reviewing and applying fixes.
I could not find the problem mentioned in the following. I think Hypergol made an error or something.


2)  The captured Lyran ships (can't remember designations) both point ot the wrong model.  The Panther CL points to the CA model instead of the CL model, and the Leopard DD points to the CL model instead of the DD model.  Maybe I missed something funky here with the model paths, but I think there's something wrong with these.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #64 on: November 04, 2003, 03:54:15 pm »

3.1 is fabulous.

Models galore, goodness all around.

Just one question. Why did you change the Hydran fighters? The stock ones (model wise) were one of the prettier models I have ever seen.

Just thought I would mention that. If you aren't going to change them perhaps you should make them a little smaller? They look kinda huge right now. (when compared to the other fighters)

Also, is there ANY way you can get HYENA  in the game?

Keep up the FABULOUS work! I am loving what I am seeing!  

Ok. I shrunk the new Hydran fighter model. No biggie.
.. what's HYENA?


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #65 on: November 04, 2003, 04:44:21 pm »

Do the Klingon F5W and FWK have true wing arcs instead of LS/RS for the Ph-3's?
The FWC and FWL have LS/RS Ph-1's which seem strange too. Perhaps these ought to use wing arcs.  

Hm. These ships would need a NEW arc, which would mix both the LS/RS and the Wing arcs. (see footnote)
I'll leavfe them to the more useful LS/RS for now.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 04:51:15 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #66 on: November 04, 2003, 04:55:46 pm »
Ok. Up to date with fixes up to now. That includes the Z-DWDm and Z-CCXm errors reported in the D2 forum. Maverick needs to learn that it's OK to post in the General Forum.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #67 on: November 04, 2003, 10:45:58 pm »

Ok. Up to date with fixes up to now. That includes the Z-DWDm and Z-CCXm errors reported in the D2 forum. Maverick needs to learn that it's OK to post in the General Forum.  

Fixed as in ready for 3.2 or fixed as in d/l the 3.1 pack again?

Please advise.



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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2003, 11:31:55 pm »


Ok. Up to date with fixes up to now. That includes the Z-DWDm and Z-CCXm errors reported in the D2 forum. Maverick needs to learn that it's OK to post in the General Forum.  

Fixed as in ready for 3.2 or fixed as in d/l the 3.1 pack again?

Please advise.


For next version. 3.1 will remain 3.1..


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2003, 11:51:05 pm »
FS, please check the following from the Mirak list.  Thank you.

FS, I would still look at the SCS and make changes to it. It is SFB.

Also the DWDm you are fixing needed another 10 BPV bump as it was only 96BPV vs the 86 BPV of the DWD.
Also YFA on Z-DF+m needs pushed back to year 9 not 7, as per your comments that MIrv did not come out until 2272.
Also found Z-WDF or one of those smalller Wyn firgates didnt have any probes. Please check these ships.

Thanks for the work Firesoul. Great job.

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #70 on: November 05, 2003, 12:00:54 am »

I could not find the problem mentioned in the following. I think Hypergol made an error or something.  

It is possible I made an error.

The ships are K-LCL and K-LDD in the klingon section of the shiplist.

The K-LCL is pointing to the Lyan CA model, should be the Lyran Panther CL model.

The K-LDD is pointing to the Lyan CL model, should be a Lyran Leopard DD model.

These Lyran ships are the ones in the Klingon ship section.  These are Lyran ships captured and used by the Klingons.  Just making sure you realized what ships I was talking about.

I'll double check my findings.  
« Last Edit: November 05, 2003, 12:15:33 am by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #71 on: November 05, 2003, 07:47:46 am »


I could not find the problem mentioned in the following. I think Hypergol made an error or something.  

It is possible I made an error.

The ships are K-LCL and K-LDD in the klingon section of the shiplist.

The K-LCL is pointing to the Lyan CA model, should be the Lyran Panther CL model.

The K-LDD is pointing to the Lyan CL model, should be a Lyran Leopard DD model.

These Lyran ships are the ones in the Klingon ship section.  These are Lyran ships captured and used by the Klingons.  Just making sure you realized what ships I was talking about.

I'll double check my findings.  

Ah yes, the leftovers from SFC1... Thanks.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #72 on: November 24, 2003, 06:39:09 pm »

STAR TREK: Starfleet Command (R) Volume II - Orion Pirates Software (C) 2001 Interplay Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved. TM, (R), and (C) 2001 Paramount Pictures. STAR TREK (R) and related elements are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Some elements are based upon the board games created by Armadillo Design Bureau (C) 1977-2001. Taldren and the Taldren logo are trademarks of Taldren Inc. Exclusively licensed and distributed by Interplay Entertainment Corp. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

What's wrong with this picture? (From the license agreement page of the installer...)

Ok I know it's not an actual shiplist issue but I think it is worth correcting considering it was originally Taldren/Interplay's error (from the back of the CD case I assume?) and the motto of the OP+ shiplist: "Let's add what's missing from SFB...".

Just in case you weren't sure: Armadillos vs  Amarillo Design Bureau ...  

Sorry to 'nit-pick' but this one drives me nuts!      
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #73 on: November 24, 2003, 07:22:02 pm »
Hey. I copy-pasted it from someone else. :P~


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #74 on: November 24, 2003, 08:02:13 pm »
Something I just found out is the SNB doesn't work...  6 warp 1 impulse and 3 battery can't move this bird and charge weapons even downgrading the G torp to an F. And the SNBP gets 4 additional warp but looses the G torp. Is this right? Even a WB+ can move a bit but not the snipe battle frigate.

Both specifications were introduced at the same time.    


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #75 on: November 24, 2003, 08:43:40 pm »
First, I'd like to say that the WE and WB+ (.. and VUL+..) have been GIVEN warps, since they are not supposed to have any at ALL. Comparing them with anything else won't really apply here.

Next, some of those Snipes are Taldren inventions (appeared in stock shiplist and are not SFB-complient). Let's see.

R-SNA: Accurate
R-SNAR: Accurate, refitted SNA
R-SNB: Taldren version. 2 warps missing.
R-SNBB: My added real SNB.
R-SNBP: Some unknown invented ship with lotsa warp, and a missing PLaG.
R-SNE: Escort ship found in R4, ok.
R-SNP: Unknown and probably invented Police variant. 3 warps each side.

Analisys: leaving in the SNP won't do any harm, since it's got a single PLaG. However, the SNB should be replaced by the SNBB, but the introduction date is much later.  The SNBP doesn't fit in: too much warp.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2003, 08:46:11 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #76 on: November 24, 2003, 09:45:54 pm »
Ah... I'm understanding now. I might have to throw out the SNB then for your SNBB. I also am a little more enlightenend about the WB+. I thought that was the warp enabled WB but apparently not. I rather liked those old FCA vs. RWB shoot outs. 32 friggin' impulses to move 1 hex stuff. A little silly though. Ya the R torp represnts 50 damage but a spread of photons is as leathel to the smaller WB. I wonder since you brought it up... never tried nixing the warp for APR/impulse and seeing what happens. Might try that as an experiment.  


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #77 on: November 24, 2003, 10:43:17 pm »
The Warp's necessary, I think..
.. in SFB, even if you just have a poor little impulse engine, you can do things called impulse TAC and such. A ship can turn and maneuver pretty fast, despite the fact its maximum speed is 1. Since SFC is a Real-time game, a speed 1 ship would not only be too slow to use, it also loses all and any advantages it may have had before.

These ships, The WB+ and the VUL+, they all have 1 thing in common: Plasma Rs. In fact, even in SFB, the PLaR can't be overloaded on the WB+ without a special trick with the batteries. This can't be done in SFC, so you can guess why it's so useful to have a bit more power to these ships. Of course, they also cost a bt more BPV for it.

This is why I would have to say these ships are made in "Taldren's style", and I want to preserve that style.
ie: The VUL+ is my addition (from module Y1), but is put together in a similar way to the WB+.

WB+  ->  WE  ->  KE
VUL+  ->  WVL  -->  KVL


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #78 on: November 25, 2003, 11:55:08 am »
This may actually make me shake the dust off and play again, for a bit.  Looks wonderful.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #79 on: November 25, 2003, 12:21:09 pm »

First, I'd like to say that the WE and WB+ (.. and VUL+..) have been GIVEN warps, since they are not supposed to have any at ALL. Comparing them with anything else won't really apply here.

Next, some of those Snipes are Taldren inventions (appeared in stock shiplist and are not SFB-complient). Let's see.

R-SNA: Accurate
R-SNAR: Accurate, refitted SNA
R-SNB: Taldren version. 2 warps missing.
R-SNBB: My added real SNB.
R-SNBP: Some unknown invented ship with lotsa warp, and a missing PLaG.
R-SNE: Escort ship found in R4, ok.
R-SNP: Unknown and probably invented Police variant. 3 warps each side.

Analisys: leaving in the SNP won't do any harm, since it's got a single PLaG. However, the SNB should be replaced by the SNBB, but the introduction date is much later.  The SNBP doesn't fit in: too much warp.

The SNP was a real ship in SFB, it's a police variant of the standard Snipe-A the only difference being it didn't have a cloak which the Romulans thought was too valuable to risk on a Police ship.