Topic: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1  (Read 33092 times)

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #240 on: November 25, 2003, 12:21:09 pm »

First, I'd like to say that the WE and WB+ (.. and VUL+..) have been GIVEN warps, since they are not supposed to have any at ALL. Comparing them with anything else won't really apply here.

Next, some of those Snipes are Taldren inventions (appeared in stock shiplist and are not SFB-complient). Let's see.

R-SNA: Accurate
R-SNAR: Accurate, refitted SNA
R-SNB: Taldren version. 2 warps missing.
R-SNBB: My added real SNB.
R-SNBP: Some unknown invented ship with lotsa warp, and a missing PLaG.
R-SNE: Escort ship found in R4, ok.
R-SNP: Unknown and probably invented Police variant. 3 warps each side.

Analisys: leaving in the SNP won't do any harm, since it's got a single PLaG. However, the SNB should be replaced by the SNBB, but the introduction date is much later.  The SNBP doesn't fit in: too much warp.

The SNP was a real ship in SFB, it's a police variant of the standard Snipe-A the only difference being it didn't have a cloak which the Romulans thought was too valuable to risk on a Police ship.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #241 on: November 25, 2003, 12:52:06 pm »

The SNP was a real ship in SFB, it's a police variant of the standard Snipe-A the only difference being it didn't have a cloak which the Romulans thought was too valuable to risk on a Police ship.  

Which module?


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #242 on: November 25, 2003, 04:08:51 pm »
The KVL is one of my favorite DN's. It has everything you really need. On occasion I like to play taunt the Fed DNH before I jack him up. You know... where you tiptoe through your own minefield and pick the best time to uncloak and fire. It's a gaurenteed win vs. the AI but still fun to execute. This is the heavyweight version of Fed CA vs. Rom WB+ skirmish.

On a side note I corrected the specs on the Snipe and will play it like you have shown. Thanks for the information FS.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #243 on: November 25, 2003, 09:43:01 pm »


The SNP was a real ship in SFB, it's a police variant of the standard Snipe-A the only difference being it didn't have a cloak which the Romulans thought was too valuable to risk on a Police ship.  

Which module?  

From here it looks like it's rule 42a in Advanced Missions


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #244 on: November 26, 2003, 08:56:17 am »



The SNP was a real ship in SFB, it's a police variant of the standard Snipe-A the only difference being it didn't have a cloak which the Romulans thought was too valuable to risk on a Police ship.  

Which module?  

From here it looks like it's rule 42a in Advanced Missions  

That's the Rule number. If I knew which module it was it, I could then look for it with this rule number.

The Postman

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #245 on: November 26, 2003, 10:11:13 pm »
Suggested names for Fed Monitors:

|F-MON|USS Saracen
||USS Erebus
||USS Terror
||USS Marshall Soult
||USS Roberts
||USS Abercrombie

|F-MONS|USS Saracen
||USS Erebus
||USS Terror
||USS Marshall Soult
||USS Roberts
||USS Abercrombie

|F-MONV|USS Saracen
||USS Erebus
||USS Terror
||USS Marshall Soult
||USS Roberts
||USS Abercrombie

All of these names are based upon actual monitors in the British Navy.  Besides Monitor already exists in the list as "1713 Monitor"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by The Postman »

Rod O'neal

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #246 on: November 26, 2003, 10:27:45 pm »




The SNP was a real ship in SFB, it's a police variant of the standard Snipe-A the only difference being it didn't have a cloak which the Romulans thought was too valuable to risk on a Police ship.  

Which module?  

From here it looks like it's rule 42a in Advanced Missions  

That's the Rule number. If I knew which module it was it, I could then look for it with this rule number.  

Advanced Missions. The rule simply states that the SNP is the police variant of the SNA. Same ship without the cloak. Uses the SNA SSD.  

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #247 on: November 27, 2003, 12:36:32 am »
Looks like the S-SLV1 (Syndicate Slaver?) does not point to a model.  Model link problem?  Causes crash to desktop.  You see nothing but the redicle where the model should be.

I was playing a convoy raid mission and the enemy was protecting 4 or 5 slavers.......but they just were'nt there?  


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #248 on: November 27, 2003, 01:59:15 am »
confirmed: assets/models/pslv/ and pslv.mod does not exist. Should read OPPLUS/models/...


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #249 on: November 27, 2003, 02:47:10 am »


Do the Klingon F5W and FWK have true wing arcs instead of LS/RS for the Ph-3's?
The FWC and FWL have LS/RS Ph-1's which seem strange too. Perhaps these ought to use wing arcs.  

Hm. These ships would need a NEW arc, which would mix both the LS/RS and the Wing arcs. (see footnote)
I'll leavfe them to the more useful LS/RS for now.

So the starboard warp nacelle doesn't block the starboard wing phaser on this class? Interesting. So its full arc in SFC would be everthing except LF?  


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #250 on: November 27, 2003, 07:58:09 am »



Do the Klingon F5W and FWK have true wing arcs instead of LS/RS for the Ph-3's?
The FWC and FWL have LS/RS Ph-1's which seem strange too. Perhaps these ought to use wing arcs.  

Hm. These ships would need a NEW arc, which would mix both the LS/RS and the Wing arcs. (see footnote)
I'll leavfe them to the more useful LS/RS for now.

So the starboard warp nacelle doesn't block the starboard wing phaser on this class? Interesting. So its full arc in SFC would be everthing except LF?  

That arc, for the left side would be LS + D2.32's Arc..
355-0 + 0-210 + 270-330.  .. or something like that. There's NOTHING in SFC that covers for all of that.



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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #251 on: November 27, 2003, 10:38:25 am »
I think regular wing arcs would be more representative of the weird SFB arc than LS/RS. Gaining another cross-deck firing phaser is more useful than covering a flank (which would be covered by the other side's wing phaser anyways).


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #252 on: November 27, 2003, 10:51:38 am »

I think regular wing arcs would be more representative of the weird SFB arc than LS/RS. Gaining another cross-deck firing phaser is more useful than covering a flank (which would be covered by the other side's wing phaser anyways).  

Is it? I'll have to compare I guess.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #253 on: November 27, 2003, 09:27:07 pm »



Do the Klingon F5W and FWK have true wing arcs instead of LS/RS for the Ph-3's?
The FWC and FWL have LS/RS Ph-1's which seem strange too. Perhaps these ought to use wing arcs.  

Hm. These ships would need a NEW arc, which would mix both the LS/RS and the Wing arcs. (see footnote)
I'll leavfe them to the more useful LS/RS for now.

So the starboard warp nacelle doesn't block the starboard wing phaser on this class? Interesting. So its full arc in SFC would be everthing except LF?  

As you can see from this model of an SFB F5 the wing phasers on an F5W would be located on those wing struts which would give then an LS/RS arc but not much more and definately not a D class hull wing arc for sure.



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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #254 on: November 28, 2003, 01:14:25 pm »
The Wyldefire CVS1 appears to be missing it's probes, was playing around and noticed it, I'm afraid I don't know if any other ships are like that.

P.S. Thanks for your hard work on this FS, especially for putting in seperate F-BCH folders, I really appreciate it.


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Models Battle TUGs
« Reply #255 on: November 28, 2003, 02:49:41 pm »
Hi Firesoul,

Thanks for this great mod. I however have a "small" question regarding the models of the TUGs. Not all TUGs are correctly represent by their model:

F-TUGc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
F-TUGc3   model has only 1 pod instead of 3
G-TUGc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
K-TGAc1   model has 2 pods instead of 1
L-SRc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
L-SRc3   model has only 1 pod instead of 3
Z-TGTc1   model has 2 pods instead of 1
Z-TGTc3   model has 2 pods instead of 3
R-SKHc1   uses original Taldren model with no pods
R-KRTc1   model has two pods instead of 1
As I have no SFB history, I have no idea how many pods the other tugs actually should have.

Do you have any plans to create matching models for these ships also. I tried kitbaching them but cannot load them in M6 editor. It is just something to make your mod more complete.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.1
« Reply #256 on: November 28, 2003, 03:42:32 pm »
Some pirates don't have probes... just so happen... "we don't need no stinkin' probes!"

Duplicate pods for tugs was deemed more of a space hog for what it was worth...


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Re: Models Battle TUGs
« Reply #257 on: November 28, 2003, 05:08:34 pm »

Hi Firesoul,

Thanks for this great mod. I however have a "small" question regarding the models of the TUGs. Not all TUGs are correctly represent by their model:

F-TUGc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
F-TUGc3   model has only 1 pod instead of 3
G-TUGc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
K-TGAc1   model has 2 pods instead of 1
L-SRc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
L-SRc3   model has only 1 pod instead of 3
Z-TGTc1   model has 2 pods instead of 1
Z-TGTc3   model has 2 pods instead of 3
R-SKHc1   uses original Taldren model with no pods
R-KRTc1   model has two pods instead of 1
As I have no SFB history, I have no idea how many pods the other tugs actually should have.

Do you have any plans to create matching models for these ships also. I tried kitbaching them but cannot load them in M6 editor. It is just something to make your mod more complete.

This was intentional. The amount of work involved and the size of the installer were factors in having tugs with 0 or the basic # of pods.


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OP+: FedEx
« Reply #258 on: November 30, 2003, 01:07:31 am »
Note to all who's interested:
I've prepared models for ships I will be adding to OP+ for the next revision. The name? the Federation Express F-FDX and F-FXX.

Go See:

-- Luc


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Re: Models Battle TUGs
« Reply #259 on: November 30, 2003, 01:43:52 am »

Hi Firesoul,

Thanks for this great mod. I however have a "small" question regarding the models of the TUGs. Not all TUGs are correctly represent by their model:

F-TUGc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
F-TUGc3   model has only 1 pod instead of 3
G-TUGc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
K-TGAc1   model has 2 pods instead of 1
L-SRc2   model has only 1 pod instead of 2
L-SRc3   model has only 1 pod instead of 3
Z-TGTc1   model has 2 pods instead of 1
Z-TGTc3   model has 2 pods instead of 3
R-SKHc1   uses original Taldren model with no pods
R-KRTc1   model has two pods instead of 1
As I have no SFB history, I have no idea how many pods the other tugs actually should have.

Do you have any plans to create matching models for these ships also. I tried kitbaching them but cannot load them in M6 editor. It is just something to make your mod more complete.

I've given it some thought. Maybe I'll do 'em. We'll see. It'll take time if I do, and I have a lot of shiplist work to do too.