O.k. I've gone through the Fed portion of the 3.1 shiplist. Here are my questions:
1) F-CDW is a commando version of the Ortega class war destroyer. The shiplist should point to the OP 3.1 fdw.mod not fhdw.mod.
2) F-DGX is based on the Saladin Class DD+. The shiplist should point to fdd+.mod, not FDDX.mod. Any "X-reffitted" ship should be an older hull refitted with X-tech. Maybe I'm wrong here but it seems that the hull should look like a Saladin? That DDX model is cool. but it's too far from the Saladin origins to me. Just opinion here.
3) F-DNL came out in 2267 should it not still be based on the old Federation class model? Currently the F-DNL points to the DN+ model in the shiplist. I know this is a picky question.
4) F-FFX is an "x-refitted" frigate based on the Burke class and should point to the op 3.1 shiplist fff.mod instead of the Taldren frigate model.
5) F-FLG came out in 2234. It should use the op 3.1 fpol.mod instead of the fpol+.mod. Picky picky
6) Just like item 2 above, F-SCX is based on the Saladin class SC+. The shiplist should point to fdd+.mod, not FDDX.mod. Any "X-reffitted" ship should be an older hull refitted with X-tech. Again, the DDX model is cool, but the model should be more Saladin like......eh?
Well now, that should just about make the OP 3.1 shiplist perfect for the feds.
Firesoul........excellent work. I'm loving this. Next I'll review the Klinks and eventually the rest.