Sure. Lan Party, 3 people playing includign myself, with my yet-to-be released OP+ 3.1 and a test version of coopace 3.02..
The ships taken on our side were:
Z-MDC+m (mirv-equipped MDC+)
Z-HDWC1m (Z-HDW, Casual carrier with 4 fighters, rear options equipped with 2 more droneracks, mirv-equipped)
I-CVLZ (Testing lowered # of fighters, but with tougher fighters)
The ships generated:
F-CAD+ (eep, AI gets free Fast Drones)
F-DN (ok.. interesting.)
F-BBV with Raven.IIs (AAAAAAAH!!)
This was a close one. We won, barely. Very barely. The MDC+ was all but useless without any drones left. The HDW, at least, had a few disruptors FA, but all drones and fighters were long gone. My I-CVLZ was pretty much crippled, and all the fighters sacrificed in an attempt to run away a bit.
I can let you imagine the fight for yourselves, now.
-- Luc