Topic: TNG Mod for OP thoughts and ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight  (Read 1191 times)

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Chris Jones

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TNG Mod for OP thoughts and ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« on: September 24, 2003, 10:55:55 pm »
Couldn't sleep tonight, so I decided to blow stuff up.

I took a Wells Class time ship from the future, along with a freighter full of fighters, up against a Dominion Starbase defended by a Dom Battleship and a Dom Heavy Cruiser. The freighter and its fighters died quickly. I was in the Wells Class, and watched JemHadar fighter after fighter come after me  (Lyran PFs in the shiplist), firing Poleron Beams all over the place (ESGLs). The Wells Class had this loadout:

Designation: F-WLS
BPV: 1706
Crew: 50
Marines: 12
Shield 1: 200
Shield 2 & 6: 200
Shield 3 & 5: 200
Shield 4: 200
Total Shields: 1200

Movement Cost: 1.1
Turn Mode: AA
Total Warp Power: 327
Impulse Power: 100
Aux Power: 100
Total Engine Power: 427
Battery: 100

Transporters: 15
Tractors: 9
Shuttles: 2
Fighters: 2

8x Phaser 4
7x PPD
4x ADD 12
8x Disruptor H
3x ESG Lance
4x Mauler
6x Photon H

The Dom BB and the CA had many ESGLs and Ph 4s as well.  

It was a glorious battle in which I took major damage, and was fought with 25412. It was cool how at least one damaged JemHadar fighter from the base retreated back to the base, repaired itself, and came back to me fully charged. I killed it, lol.
I was attacking the base, taking damage, and a fighter came out from behind the base, fully charged. I thought I gotten all of them. It looked quite realistic the way it went down.  The fighters did not come out from the base until I had destroyed the two ships defending it and was going towards the base.  After numerous exchanges of fire The Wells prevailed, with several systems in repair.

It was a very TNG-ish battle.

Not sure why I made this post. I guess I just wanted to share the battle victory.  

Back to bed..


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: TNG Mod for OP thoughts and ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2003, 11:01:12 pm »

Rod O'neal

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Re: TNG Mod for OP thoughts amd ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2003, 11:22:27 pm »
Hey Chris,
I got one too. I was flying a Fed NCV loaded with 8xF-18Cs. Going against a house of Korgath BHP with 2xbuc pfs and 2xK-G1s. The battle started at range 38 and the Orion entered the battle with all pfs in the air. I was in deep doodoo!!!
Before my shuttle bay could get ready the pfs launched a volley of drones at me. I had to use trans to lay the t-bomb to get the drones. At somewhere around range 30+ the Orion let loose with 2xhellbores while my shield that I used to transport the bomb was still down. (He must have started at WS3) BOTH of them hit!!! (Only the AI could pull that off.) The doodoo got deeper! with the K-G1s on my tale I didn't want to launch my ftrs and watch them get chewed up by the pfs adds. I had to try and kill the klingon pfs 1st. The Orion pfs didn't have adds, so they were my secondary concern. I was absorbing a lot of damage and all my repairs were gone. (No more magic screws ) I managed to kill the 2 K-G1s and get my ftrs into the fight. They immediately went to work on the tender crippling it while I was disposing of the Orion Bucs, who were making it difficult by cloaking on my drones all the time. My power was down to 19. I only had 1xphoton left and 1xdrone rack with a few phasers. The Korgath tender had finished off my ftrs but was severely damaged by them. As I was closing in for the kill the model that I was DLing finished and my 'puter went to windows (I hate it when it does that!) couldn't get the game back on screen before I heard my ship, with her Capt. missing in action, disengage without me.

Still MIA,


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Re: TNG Mod for OP thoughts amd ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2003, 11:37:18 pm »
Great battle story, Chris... I always loved that Wells ship...

good one too, Rod!

Anybody got another? Kep them coming!  


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Re: TNG Mod for OP thoughts amd ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2003, 10:08:33 am »
Sure. Lan Party, 3 people playing includign myself, with my yet-to-be released OP+ 3.1 and a test version of coopace 3.02..

The ships taken on our side were:
Z-MDC+m (mirv-equipped MDC+)
Z-HDWC1m  (Z-HDW, Casual carrier with 4 fighters, rear options equipped with 2 more droneracks, mirv-equipped)
I-CVLZ (Testing lowered # of fighters, but with tougher fighters)

The ships generated:
F-CAD+ (eep, AI gets free Fast Drones)
F-DN (ok.. interesting.)
F-BBV with Raven.IIs (AAAAAAAH!!)

This was a close one. We won, barely. Very barely. The MDC+ was all but useless without any drones left. The HDW, at least, had a few disruptors FA, but all drones and fighters were long gone. My I-CVLZ was pretty much crippled, and all the fighters sacrificed in an attempt to run away a bit.

I can let you imagine the fight for yourselves, now.

-- Luc


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Re: TNG Mod for OP thoughts amd ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2003, 01:41:44 pm »
Lordy, Firesoul, bet that one was a whopper.  

Chris Jones

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Re: TNG Mod for OP thoughts and ponderings - couldn't sleep tonight
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2003, 07:52:17 pm »
Simply Glorious,  Rod and Firesoul.

FS -

How does Coop Ace 3.02 differ from 3.01?