Ok its back up, and fixed.
One of the tables in the database got corrupted, and was marked crashed by MySQL. The serverkit would be unaware of this and not shut down, so it would start to have fits. MySQL is very redundant and often if a table gets marked as crashed, it can be repaired without any data lost. I have repaired the db, which is very easily done.
I also optimized the table, to make it run faster, which reduced it's size quite a bit. I also removed all the AI characters, and unowned ships, which will bog down a server if not cleaned flat file or MySQL. I had been doing database cleans regularly, but had not done one for a while, and as a result, it started to bog down. That also drastically reduced the size of the database.
Unforuately, none of the other admins know how to do this yet. However, I'm writing a FAQ as we speak so they will know how in the future. Also, I will be automating the cleans, and database backups will be done regulary.
This is what happens when i go away for a little bit, and don't inform the other guys in case of an emergency. Sorry about that, Ill try not to let that happen again.
Ok, lets go kick some butt on the server!