Here are the stats you can use for the Kmirra. I have a system, based on the F-FCA, and taking direct measurements of the actual models using 3DSMAX.
Notes: Since according to TNG the Klingon-Federation Alliance did not form until after the year 2340, the start date of 2300 for this ship is a bit early. However, you can just imagine that the Klingons acquired Federation technology not via an alliance at the time, but via espionage.
Here are the stats, translated into SFC terms from the FASA numbers:
Hull: DN
Special Role: C
Balance: 0
BPV: ???
Ship: 5
Year available: first: 37
Last: 999
Base: ----
Refits: ----
R/L Warp: 30
Center Warp: 0
Impulse: 20
APR: 8
Battery: 15
Bridge: 16
Lab: 6
Security: 5
Transporters: 12
Tractors: 5
Size: 2
Turn Mode: E
Move Cost: 2
Acceleration: 15 (for transwarp, 10 for regular warp)
Stealth: 0
HET+Nimble: 1
HET Breakdown: 2
Cloak: ----
ADD 12: 4
Explosion: 47
Sensors: 10
Scanners: 10
Dam Con: 10
Shield: 80, 60, 60, 60
FWD Hull: 5
Aft Hull: 55 (NOTE: Hull values derived from direct volume measurements of F-FCA and this ship in 3DSMAX)
Cargo: ----
Baracks: ----
Armor: ----
Excess: 10
Crew: 30
Min: 4
Deck: 8
Marines: 32 / 64
Fighter Bay 1 & 2: 4 X K-Swift.I
Bay: 6
Launch: 2
Min: 4
Max: 6
HP 11 = 2 X PhX, FX
HP 12 = 2 X PhX, RS
HP 13 = 2 X PhX, LS
HP 3 = 1 X DisH, FA
HP 4 = 1 X DisH, FA
HP 16 = 1 X Dis4, FAR
HP 17 = 1 X Dis4, FAL
HP 18 = 1 X Dis4, RS
HP 19 = 1 X Dis4, LS
HP 1 = 2 X PhoH, FA
HP 2 = 2 X PhoH, FA
HP 5 = 2 X PhoH, RA
HP 7 = 4 X DroB, 2 reloads
HP 8 = 4 X DroB, 2 reloads
HP 9 = ADD_12 X 4, arc 1
****END OF DATA****