Topic: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?  (Read 7506 times)

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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2003, 08:12:25 am »
I should do a proper C-8/9 sometime, I beleive I had plans but shelved them.  


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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2003, 11:35:33 pm »
YEE-HAW!!!! Thanks for resurrecting the Lotus!


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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2003, 11:00:29 am »

Atrahasis, is there any chance of the KCR skin showing up on that C5? That's one slot no one has ever filled for us; a Kestral Dread. Most Rommies are still either using the stock model (hmmm no [puke] graemlin eh...], or a Klink skinned replacement.  

That would be cool....berry cool.



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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2003, 11:04:37 am »

I should do a proper C-8/9 sometime, I beleive I had plans but shelved them.  

This would be even more cool.

I use your C5 for all Klingon DNs, mainly because I like the way it looks better than anything elkse out there.  I don't care if it's really just a C5...heheh.

If you were to do a C8/C9...a C8V/K...some TMP BBs and a full line of carriers in addition to the C8V/K, I'd be one happy Doggy...

As I said to you in PMs a while back, aside from P81's B'Rel and K'Vort, and Gow's B10 and C8V/K reworks, you're are the only Klingon models I use.


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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2003, 11:06:27 am »
I'm not familiar with Gow's C-8 / B-10 reworks......were they just texture improvements over the stock models or new meshes?


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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2003, 11:20:42 am »
Honestly, I'm not sure what constitutes what...

They have different skins...and they look somewhat different than Taldren's stock versions.  I assume he has changed the base model as well as the skins themselves.  I'm no modeller, so I don't know how it all works or what the proper lingo is...heheh.

I believe his stuff is still available on SFU if you wanted to try and track them down.


SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2003, 11:26:53 am »
I don't know if Gow's B10 is all new, or a bash from existing, but  here's a shot of it in action.


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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2003, 12:16:37 pm »
That's quite nice.....I was thinking of making a C-8 more similar to the SFB vision of it but making it more sophisticated in my own way.  


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Re: Distress call: Does anyone have my C-5 Klink DN?
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2003, 01:05:05 pm »
Stats for the Lotus Flower / Kobayashi Maru, at my site:

In the Game: Here are the stats that I derived from the FASA numbers. Note that since it's a Neutronic Fuel Carrier, it has a very high explosion value of 100. This means if you're an enemy and are on a mission to destroy a convoy with one of these, you'd best do it at extremely long range because if you're near it when it explodes, you'll probably go with it. Don't forget that ships in your fleet, if they are too eager, may get themselves blown up as well. This adds a new dimension to convoy missions.

Race: Federation
Class: F-NFC
Hull: F
Special Role: ----
Balance: 0
BPV: ???
Ship: 5
Year available: first: 16
Last: 999
Base: ----
Refits: ----

R/L Warp: ----
Center Warp: 20
Impulse: 4
APR: 2
Battery: 2

Bridge: 3
Lab: ----
Security: ----
Transporters: 1
Tractors: 1

Size: 3
Turn Mode: D
Move Cost: 1.5
Acceleration: 7

Stealth: 0
HET+Nimble: ----
HET Breakdown: 1

Cloak: ----
ADD 6: 2
Explosion: 100

Sensors: 4
Scanners: 4
Dam Con: 4

Shield: 20, 20, 20, 20

Center Hull: 6
Cargo: 40
Baracks: ----
Armor: ----
Excess: 5

Crew: 37
Min: 2
Deck: ----

Marines: 3 / 6

Bay: 1
Launch: 1
Min: 1
Max: 2

HP 14 = ADD_6 X 2, arc 1

****END OF DATA****