Topic: Mod beta released!  (Read 1368 times)

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  • Guest Mod beta released!
« on: September 23, 2003, 11:30:25 pm »
This is a file designed to install files into Starfleet Command #3  to either play on the SFC3net online server, online at Gamespy (provided your opponents also have this file installed), or single player. It includes modifications to systems such as weapons, power, and hull. It also includes a large number of models available to each race. General model credits have been included in this Zip file; detailed credits can be viewed within each model folder.

This mod was developed for a number of reasons and includes the following philosphies:

First, it is designed for the trek fan. What I have done is try to reproduce as many trek cannon ships as possible. Thankfully, the tools which Taldren provided to us serve us well in this case. As do the numerous ships
which are out there by the modeling community which helps us tremendously. Whether its the K'Tinga class ship, the Connie refit or the valdore, I have tried my best to reflect what we see and feel during an eppisode.

Secondly, I am trying to reconstitute some of the feel of sfc2 in arcs, weapons damage and history. One of the many things done right with sfc2 was the level of detail which came with the game. I have tried to establish
when each ship came out for not only future campaign use, but to provide much of the history and back story which adds so much to the game. This beta will provide some detail, but as with all betas, I hope to add to the level
of detail and number of ships. Also should be noted that there are many TOS/TMP era ships.

Finally, regarding racial philosophies is as follows:

Feds-> well rounded, shieldy, power hogs and expensive. High end technology as well.

klingons-> fast, light and manervable. Their ships are inexpensive and mass produced. This is in direct relation to their trek cannon history of being the old Soviet Union. Read in attrition units. Their weapons fire fast and recharge fast. They do not have the kick that Romulan or Federation ships have, however, they recharge much faster and are less expensive.

Romulans-> Slow, heavy hitting ships with high technology. Fewer ship hulls, however, those developed are very, very effective.

These are variations which i hope will bear out. Nothing is perfect, but this is an attempt to carry through what we see both in the television series and the flavor of the other Starfleet Command games.

Please enjoy!

to download, go to:


  • Guest
Re: Mod beta released!
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2003, 03:56:14 am »
Sounds great, 4 minutes to completion, I can't wait, thanks

adam out


  • Guest Mod beta released!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2003, 11:30:25 pm »
This is a file designed to install files into Starfleet Command #3  to either play on the SFC3net online server, online at Gamespy (provided your opponents also have this file installed), or single player. It includes modifications to systems such as weapons, power, and hull. It also includes a large number of models available to each race. General model credits have been included in this Zip file; detailed credits can be viewed within each model folder.

This mod was developed for a number of reasons and includes the following philosphies:

First, it is designed for the trek fan. What I have done is try to reproduce as many trek cannon ships as possible. Thankfully, the tools which Taldren provided to us serve us well in this case. As do the numerous ships
which are out there by the modeling community which helps us tremendously. Whether its the K'Tinga class ship, the Connie refit or the valdore, I have tried my best to reflect what we see and feel during an eppisode.

Secondly, I am trying to reconstitute some of the feel of sfc2 in arcs, weapons damage and history. One of the many things done right with sfc2 was the level of detail which came with the game. I have tried to establish
when each ship came out for not only future campaign use, but to provide much of the history and back story which adds so much to the game. This beta will provide some detail, but as with all betas, I hope to add to the level
of detail and number of ships. Also should be noted that there are many TOS/TMP era ships.

Finally, regarding racial philosophies is as follows:

Feds-> well rounded, shieldy, power hogs and expensive. High end technology as well.

klingons-> fast, light and manervable. Their ships are inexpensive and mass produced. This is in direct relation to their trek cannon history of being the old Soviet Union. Read in attrition units. Their weapons fire fast and recharge fast. They do not have the kick that Romulan or Federation ships have, however, they recharge much faster and are less expensive.

Romulans-> Slow, heavy hitting ships with high technology. Fewer ship hulls, however, those developed are very, very effective.

These are variations which i hope will bear out. Nothing is perfect, but this is an attempt to carry through what we see both in the television series and the flavor of the other Starfleet Command games.

Please enjoy!

to download, go to:


  • Guest
Re: Mod beta released!
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2003, 03:56:14 am »
Sounds great, 4 minutes to completion, I can't wait, thanks

adam out