Topic: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries  (Read 1305 times)

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James Formo

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Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« on: September 21, 2003, 08:43:30 pm »
OK 2 little things.  On 1 ship I added, looks great but as soon as it takes damage it looks like the faces on the saucer all unweld into seperta triangles. Wierd.  I checked the hp and damage points. There were some duplicate numbers that I corrected, but it didn't help this problem. Anyone have a clue?  This is in SFC3 btw.

2ndly. No ships, not even stock ships are showing damage in SFC3 for me.  I have damage and damage light maps turned on.  This has me stumped also.


Captain Ron

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Re: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2003, 02:20:16 am »
There is a file in the models directory you needto delete inorder for the damage to show up again.

Unfortuantly I don't play SFC 3 anymore, went back to SFC:OP, and nolonger rememberthe name of the file. it resides in the same directory as the model itself.

James Formo

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Re: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2003, 02:45:12 am »
I was told its the x files. I tried that on a number of ships but still no damage. Even after a clean install I never see damage. Ah well. Thanks for the reply. Maybe its my vid card cause I never saw lightmaps in SFC2. Now at least the light maps work in SFC3.

James Formo

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Re: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2003, 12:05:10 pm »
Bump for any other suggestions.

Also was womdering why some models have a group1 listed in with the hard/damage points.


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Re: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2003, 02:06:27 pm »
for the damage on teh ships to show up you have to delete the  x file extension for each ship, it worked for me,  i had asked the same question about a  mounth ago, and pelican told me that, it worked for me  


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Re: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2003, 01:19:22 pm »
There is one other thing you need to do - turn damage textures on!!! It's in the options section.

James Formo

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Re: Ship troubles, snags, woes and hair pulling quandries
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2003, 09:54:20 pm »
Thanks guys. I have done both and Nada. I just chalk it up to perhaps my video card. Well be interested tot see if othere people get damage on the ships when I releast the mod. Unfortunately since I can't see damage I have no way of knowing how the ships I make will show it.

I may have some ideas as to why 1 of the ships is showing individual triangles. This is a snip from the model guide pdf in SFC3 model tools-worth a look as SFC3 is real finnicky. Ships look fine in SFC2 can have problems in SFC3.

1.02.02 Seamlessness

A model should be one seamless object – meaning that there are no gaps
in it anywhere, so that it encloses one contiguous empty space on the
inside. There should be no intersecting polygons, either.


One way to achieve this is to run Max’s Boolean operator (Compound
Objects/Boolean) on two intersecting parts to make a seamless whole out
of them. This will increase your polygon count, since new polys will be
created at the seams. After performing a Boolean operation it is often
necessary to tidy up the joint between the sections by welding vertices,
and sometimes by reassigning the smoothing groups of the model.
Figure 1.02.02a shows an object made of
two intersecting cylinders. Although they
are joined together as a single object, they
are not “seamless”: their polygons intersect
in the middle, and they do not enclose
a single contiguous space.
Figure 1.02.02b shows an object that looks
just the same, but does not have intersecting
polygons, does enclose a single contiguous
space, and therefore is “seamless”.
It was produced by performing a Boolean
operation (Compound Objects/Boolean) on
the two original cylinders.


The easiest way to check for these conditions is to run
Max’s STL-Check modifier. This modifier was
intended to check objects for seamlessness and other
errors, so it’s pretty much exactly what we’re looking
for. You can have the modifier highlight or change the
Material ID of problem areas.
Figure 1.02.02c: The STL-Check
Modifier in 3D Studio Max
Note that this modifier has
some trouble adapting to
changes you make after it’s
run, so to be safe, make your
corrections, delete the modifier
from the stack, then run the
modifier again.
1.02.03 Eliminate Duplicate
A model should contain no
duplicate vertices (that is, no
two points should occupy the
exact same location in the
This is an error that commonly
occurs when two parts are
joined together without
welding their duplicate
Figure 1.02.03a shows a ship model with all its vertices selected:
note, in the upper right, that there are 507 selected.
Figure 1.02.03b shows the same ship model after “Weld Selected”
is performed, using a Threshold of .1 units. Note that
now, at the upper right, we have only 457 selected. 50 duplicate
vertices have been eliminated.

The easiest way to eliminate duplicate vertices is to select all the vertices
in the model and then Weld them with a threshold of .1 – this should
eliminate all vertices that share the exact same location in 3D space. You
might need to redo your smoothing groups after you perform this step.
In other cases, where vertices are very close but not in the exact same spot,
you may need to select and weld them a pair at a time. To do this, select
only those vertices you want to weld, and set the Threshold to a large
number like 1000 to ensure that they do. Max turns them into a single
vertex midway between the two, which is not always what you’d like; so
you might need to move the welded vertex afterwards.
1.02.04 Eliminate Duplicate Polygons
A model should not have any duplicate polygons (polygons that share the
exact same location). This is almost impossible to spot without running
STL-Check, but can sometimes be detected because it creates smoothing
problems on a surface.
To fix duplicate polygons you really need to select and delete one of them,
often flip the other, and finally, redo your smoothing groups.
These steps are most complicated when you’re adapting existing models –
when you’re building a ship from scratch you can keep the basic
principles in mind as you work, and minimize the number of corrections
you need to make to your object geometry.
The benefits of creating “error free” geometry are that your model will
perform well in the game, look good in the game, and not do any harm to
the game’s performance – especially on older machines. Also you get this
warm, fuzzy, karmic glow. Usually around 4 AM, when you’re finally
Even in pre-rendered work these are good modeling practices. They
speed up rendering and prevent some really odd problems in Max’s